
Results of the 28th international specialized exhibition upakovka 2020.

From January 28 to January 31, 2020, the International Exhibition Center upakovka and interplastica 2020 were held at the Expocentre Fairgrounds on Krasnaya Presnya. Two exhibitions were attended by 937 exhibitors from 40 countries. For four days, 24,950 visitors from all over Russia, the CIS and non-CIS countries visited upakovka and interplastica in search of new technological solutions for the packaging and polymer industries.

Upakovka Exhibition is a leading business event in Russia dedicated to packaging equipment, finished packaging, packaging materials and technological solutions. Traditionally, the exhibition presented a wide range of products, offers and services that help industry specialists get an idea of current trends and new opportunities in the packaging industry. This year, at the stands of exhibitors - the largest Russian and foreign manufacturers and suppliers, you could see packaging and filling equipment, equipment for filling drinks and liquids, equipment for blowing PET containers, equipment for the non-food sector, printing equipment, equipment for marking and bar coding, as well as ready-made packaging solutions - containers and packaging from various materials.

Being one of the projects of the interpack alliance, upakovka exhibition presents the whole range of goods and services for the packaging industry and related processing industries and focuses on such target groups as food, beverages, confectionery and bakery products, pharmaceuticals, cosmetology, non-food consumer and industrial goods c. One of the most important branches of the manufacturing industry in Russia is precisely the food industry, which is of great strategic importance to the Russian market. In order to satisfy consumer demand for high-quality and innovative products, the Russian food industry continues to invest in expanding its production capacities - and the “right” suppliers and solutions can be found at upakovka.

In 2019, the organizers of the exhibition secured the support of several associations at once, such as the Aluminum Association of the Association of Aluminum Producers, Suppliers and Consumers, the Union of Bottled Water Producers of Russia (SPBV) and the Union of Soft Drinks and Mineral Water Producers (SPBN). In addition, the OPORA RUSSIA All-Russian Non-Governmental Organization of Small and Medium Enterprises included the upakovka 2020 exhibition in the list of events officially supported by the association this year.

220 companies took part in upakovka 2020 exhibition. Among them were manufacturers from Russia, Spain, Austria, Greece, the Czech Republic, Belgium, San Marino, the Netherlands, Switzerland, India, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Japan, as well as national pavilions from Germany and Italy. For the first time, Turkish and Chinese participation was widely represented at the exhibition.

The StekloSouz Association of Russia traditionally participated in the upakovka 2020 exhibition. In addition to direct work at the stand, experts are senior officials of the StekloSouz of Russia: Osipov Victor Ivanovich, president of the StekloSouz Association, Talakuev Nikolay Pavlovich, director of the department of technical regulation of the StekloSouz of Russia, Maria Nikolaevich Kartuzova, deputy head of the Association’s representative office StekloSouz in the South and North Caucasus Federal Districts took part in the business program of the world event, where they spoke Information about the principles that helped to increase the collection of cullet for re-melting in the glassmaking factories.

On January 30, an upakovka 2020 exhibition of 19 people was visited by a delegation from the Japan Food Machinery Manufacturers' Association (FOOMA).

In 2019, due to the increased interest in the business program of the exhibition, it was decided to open a second additional platform. This year, the number of participants has increased again, indicating a growing interest in the initiative. “Innovationparc is increasingly attracting the attention of the public, turning into a real highlight of the upakovka exhibition, where the key is to exchange experience on the main topics regarding trends and prospects for the future development of the packaging industry. It is this atmosphere that makes the exhibition truly unique, ”says Bernd Jablonowski, Director of the Global Exhibition Portfolio Messe Düsseldorf on processing and packaging technologies, with pleasure.

For four days, two innovationparc 1 and 2 business zones worked free of charge for exhibitors and visitors, where exhibitors and the packaging industry leader were talking about the latest global trends in the packaging market.

Vera Bokareva, an expert and a business coach in the field of polymer packaging: “This year, the exposition was pleased that there were many decisions that start-up entrepreneurs and start-ups can take. Of course, I really liked the business program. They talked a lot and meaningfully about ecology, about convenience for the consumer. Just a business program becomes a unifying factor, a center of attraction. It is immediately felt that everyone is on the same wavelength, everyone is interested in development. ”

Last year, the Russian government, seeking to solve the global problem of recycling, which was especially acute in the segment of household waste, made the issue of waste management a key item on the agenda. So, according to the task, by 2024 the recycling quota should be increased from the current level - about 7% - to 36%. Accordingly, a particularly high interest was shown in the presentations offered at the exhibition on the topic of recycling and packaging materials.

On the first day, a special session “From food losses to a multi-turn (circular) economy” was held as part of the business program of the exhibition. The aim of the event, dedicated to reducing food losses and food waste, was to present Russian and international public and private initiatives that are already actively working or are at the stage of implementation of the principles of the circular economy. The session was moderated by Aghasi Harutyunyan, acting Director of the FAO Office of Relations with the Russian Federation.

Speakers presented their views on the challenges and opportunities for the transition to a circular economy, as well as on the ability of businesses in Russia to take full advantage of restructuring to a new, more rational model of production along the entire food and food chain. Guest guests: Miriam Annette, Loss Specialist, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Meuves Brauver, Agriculture Advisor, Royal Netherlands Embassy in the Russian Federation, Josianne Clotiere, Post-Harvest Loss Expert, University of Wageningen, Netherlands.

The principles of development and current issues of the transition to a closed-loop economy were discussed in detail at the conference “Circular Economics in the Sphere of Packaging - Expectations and Reality”. The conference discussed the challenges facing both manufacturers and consumers of packaging. During the discussion, the largest enterprises shared their experience in managing packaging waste, which told how packaging from polymers, cardboard and corrugated cardboard, glass and aluminum is assembled, disposed of and recycled.

Alexander Gavriilovich Boyko, General Director of NKPak: “Much has been said about changes in the packaging market and the trends that form the demand for packaging today at the events of the business program of the upakovka 2020 exhibition. It should be noted that the number of participants in the business program has increased significantly compared to previous years, yes and its content has increased. In particular, the scientific and practical conference “Circular Economics in the Sphere of Packaging - Expectation and Reality”, organized by NKPak and Messe Dusseldorf Moscow LLC, caused a great stir among a large number of specialists. Of particular interest were reports related to the problems of separate collection and processing of packaging waste, and their discussion showed the mixed attitude to this problem on the part of various participants in the packaging market. ”

With the support of the Union of Soft Drinks and Mineral Water Producers and NP OPORA RUSSIA, on January 30, a session was held on the “Industry of Beverages and Bottling Technologies. Global initiatives, challenges and opportunities. ” Manufacturers of packaging and equipment for bottling discussed issues, trends and problems that currently exist on the packaging market and are relevant for manufacturers of various everyday goods, including soft drinks.

Manufacturers and processors of various types of packaging gathered at the site: Tetra Pak and L-PAK, Sig Combiblock LLC, ECOLEAN. A separate block of speeches was devoted to new technological solutions, representatives of both domestic and foreign companies spoke about them: Aurora Pak Engineering LLC, Heuf Eurasia LLC, Side Vostok LLC, Krones company, Keramik Makina.

Maxim Novikov, President of the Union of Non-Alcoholic Drinks and Mineral Water Producers: “The opportunity to gather representatives of different businesses on the same platform allows us to achieve a synergistic effect in addressing the development and implementation of new technologies, the environment and the expanded responsibility of manufacturers, state regulation.”

For the first time, as part of innovationparc, the marketing agency MegaResearch held a special analytical session entitled “Current Status and Prospects for the Development of the Packaging Market”. The analytical session is designed for marketers, development specialists, as well as heads of manufacturers and suppliers of packaging equipment, finished packaging and packaging materials. Leading analysts and industry experts spoke about global and local trends in the packaging market and shared important figures and relevant statistics.

Elizaveta Sharipova, PR-director, Marketing agency “MegaResearch:“ Within the framework of the analytical session “Current Status and Prospects for the Development of the Packaging Market” held by our agency on the last day of the exhibition, we talked about current world and Russian consumer trends and specific examples of the implementation of these trends in packaging solutions and packaging equipment, on legislative initiatives in the field of environmental packaging and how the growth of environmental requirements has affected the use of various types of polymer in the package. Also, the leading Russian manufacturer TIKO-Plastic JSC, presented its experience in implementing eco-friendly approaches in flexible polymer packaging. The relevance of such analytical sessions is confirmed by the great interest on the part of the manufacturing companies that attended our session. In conditions where statistical information does not have any practical benefit, such events allow market participants to receive up-to-date information from experts and market participants first-hand. ”

Ekaterina Antonova, director of the upakovka exhibition: “The packaging market is changing daily, so we want to give our exhibitors and visitors the opportunity to possess complete information about the state of the industry in Russia and the CIS. Of particular value is analytics for introducing new directions to the market. Our new partnership with the MegaResearch marketing agency allows our customers to complete the last exhibition day as efficiently as possible. An analytical session is planned for next year. ”

The next upakovka exhibition will be held from January 26 to 29, 2021.

See you!

Exhibitor Reviews upakovka 2020

Rovema, Alexander Filippov, Account Manager

At the stand, we actively communicate with our customers - both already known and potential. In general, the exhibition met our expectations, because we have been its regular participants for many years. (...)

AURORA PACK ENGINEERING LLC, Alina Eliseeva, marketing manager

The key argument in favor of our participation in upakovka 2020 was the scale of the event. Our negotiations with clients were successful. Many potential customers came to the exhibition. Of course, our participation in the exhibition was productive. I would especially like to note the work of technical specialists and the competent support of the organizers throughout the exhibition. Great traffic. (...) Our company is interested in participating in the next upakovka 2021 exhibition.

Moscow branch of VA Systems, Denis Logachev, Director

We offer a wide range of various equipment and always bring it to the exhibition, and this year was no exception. At upakovka, we focus on labeling and labeling equipment. (...) The impression of the exhibition is generally positive. (...) Our stand is perfectly located - in a fairly lively place, so in the first two days we had a lot of visitors. (...)

KRONES AG, Julian Dorn, Global Communications Europe, East, Africa Corporate Communications

The exhibition was successful - and not only for us, but also for our customers, because we had the opportunity to discuss pressing issues and future projects. We presented our department for the production of additional equipment for preforms. Our customers are well aware of this exhibition - because it is here that we get the opportunity to communicate with many customers in a fairly short time. (...)

AETNA GROUP Group of Companies, Egor Kazachkovsky and Sergey Mashentsev, Sales Managers

At our booth, we demonstrated our technology of semi-automatic wrapping with stretch film. This year, AETNA GROUP completed the development of a full-cycle automatic packaging plant. (...) Here, in Russia, we still pay special attention to communication with customers: we are trying to understand what is now in demand, how demand is developing, and even if it concerns small production companies - who knows what they will become tomorrow . While customers are eager to study us, we are establishing contacts, which also opens up new perspectives for us.

OMET Representative Office in Russia, Alexander Romashov, Sales Director

We are pleased with the results of the exhibition and look forward to the commercialization of our contacts. After all, OMET offers a wide range of printing and technological equipment, from printing self-adhesive films to cardboard and flexible packaging. (...)

Moscow branch of Russian Meal, Igor Medvedev, Director

At this exhibition, we present two of the most popular types of equipment (...). The upakovka exhibition begins the new calendar year and starts work in the new season - this is a great opportunity to meet old customers and recommend new equipment to them. As for the results, upakovka 2020 is unique in its kind - it is so interesting and attracts an ongoing stream of visitors, and even despite the fact that there are larger exhibitions, the quality level of specialists is exceptionally high. If a professional audience comes here and shows interest in something, then this is no coincidence.

SIG Combibloс, Anna Avchuknova, marketing manager

We are participating in this exhibition for the first time. We were primarily interested in the business program, which from our point of view looks extensive and relevant. (...) SIG Combibloc produces aseptic liquid food filling equipment and aseptic carton packaging, and we decided to see how upakovka is relevant for food and beverage professionals, as there is currently no platform where it would be appropriate way to explore innovations in the packaging industry relevant to the food market. At the exhibition itself, we not only worked at the stand, but also took part in a business program where we spoke about innovations in the field of ecology. (...)

PACKLAND, Vladislav Hasanov

upakovka is an international exhibition project that has managed to significantly expand the circle of exhibitors and visitors. At our booth, various options for cardboard packaging were presented. There were enough visitors, so we plan to take part again in 2021.

Keramik Makina, Tolga Sertel, Sales Engineer

In general, this year we were more satisfied with the results than in the past, and yes, we will participate again next year! (...)

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