Господдержка предприятий-производителей строительных материалов
On December 25, 2019, a scheduled meeting of the Presidium was held at the StekloSouz of Russia Association.
The results of the outgoing 2019 were summed up for all segments of production in the glass industry.
Heads of departments reported on the work of services during the year: achievements and problematic issues.
Work plans for all types of glassmaking and industrial glass processing were approved.
This year has shown that the previously adopted strategic decisions on the development of exports have fully justified themselves. The practice of working with the Russian Export Center has proven itself well.
The work in the Expert Group of the specified agency for the construction of the digital economic platform and the one-stop principle was approved.
For glassworks and industrial processing enterprises focused on export development, courses will be organized on the basis of the StekloSouz to train in the use of new digital opportunities offered by the state.
In general, the Presidium adopted the program documents for execution.
It was noted that the glass industry in 2019 was able to keep the production of glass and products from falling. The stable condition of the plants allows us to confidently and optimistically begin to fulfill the targets in 2020.
The Bureau approved changes in the structure of the Association. Given the large amount of work on the development of technical glass, the decision was made: to separate the production of quartz glass in a separate segment. The vice-president approved Kruchinina Irina Yuryevna.
Pavlushkin Mikhail Nikolaevich, Vice President of the Association - will continue to lead the development of domestic technical glass production.
Golubev Vladislav Vladimirovich, Vice-President of the Association - headed the segment for the production of lighting glass.
Considering the increased state requirements for environmental issues and the urgent need to obtain raw materials from cullet for factories, the position of Vice President for Ecology was introduced. Shebanov Vladislav Anatolyevich is pleased to serve as Vice President.
The importance of this issue posed a number of tasks that will be solved by the representatives of the StekloSouz Association of Russia in the federal districts together with the leaders of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
Tulinov Vyacheslav Vitalievich was approved as the head of the representative office of the Southern and North Caucasian Federal District.
At present, the coordination of candidates for the Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts is ongoing. At the same time, work is underway in other federal districts.
The digital economy is taking more and more confident positions in production processes. Taking as a basis government policy in this direction, the position of Vice President has been introduced. Demura Andrey Yuryevich approved by the Vice President. A department for the development of digital technologies has been created.
The Presidium wishes all the factories of the glass industry, scientific educational institutions, related industries and consumers in the New Year 202 stability and prosperity! Workers in the industry - health and economic well-being!
The resolution states that the main goal of the StekloSouz Russia Association is the prosperity of all enterprises of the Russian Federation.
Press Center StekloSouz.