In memory of O.V. Mazurin

In memory of O.V. Mazurin

Dear Colleagues!

Directorate of the FSBSI Institute of Silicate Chemistry. I.V. Grebenshchikov Russian Academy of Sciences with deep regret reports that at the age of 94, a world-renowned scientist, the oldest member of the international community of glass researchers, who worked for many decades as the head of the laboratory of physical and chemical properties of glass, Professor Oleg Vsevolodovich Mazurin, has died (1927 - 2021).

On May 20, 2021, an outstanding Soviet and Russian scientist, the oldest member of the international community of glass researchers, known all over the world for his work in the field of physical and chemical properties of glasses, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Oleg Vsevolodovich Mazurin, passed away.

O. V. Mazurin's scientific activity began at the Leningrad Technological Institute named after V.I. Lensovet under the leadership of Professor K.S. Evstropiev at the oldest department of glass and sitall technology in the Soviet Union, where his teachers were famous scientists V.V. Vargin, N.N.Kachalov, N.A. Toropov. At this department, Oleg Vsevolodovich defended his candidate (in 1953), and later, his doctoral dissertation (in 1962). The results of studies of the electrical properties of glasses, carried out by the author of theses together with his numerous students, were related to the electronic, electrical and radio engineering industries. They formed the basis for a unique monograph on the electrical properties of glass, written in Russian and quoted more than half a century since its publication, which indicates its enduring importance.

A significant period of Oleg Vsevolodovich's scientific efforts were the years of his work at the Institute of Silicate Chemistry. IV Grebenshchikov of the USSR Academy of Sciences, where he headed the Laboratory of Physical and Chemical Properties of Glass (LFHSS), which received international recognition.

The scientific interests of the laboratory were the study of the nature of the vitrification process; rheological properties of glasses and melts; chemical resistance of glasses. The results of studies of two-phase glasses, presented in three monographs, one of which was published in English, were of particular importance, both for the development of the theory of phase separation in oxide glass-forming systems, and for the creation of special and porous glasses based on them.

O.V. Mazurin possessed an exceptional gift for recognizing topical fundamental problems of glass science. Under his leadership, complex studies were carried out at a high experimental level, which could clearly and unambiguously answer numerous questions that were previously considered insoluble, for example, studies of structural relaxation and studies of the kinetic nature of glass transition. These results constitute a key knowledge base for the study of the vitreous state and are used worldwide as the most authoritative to date. The six-volume reference book "Properties of glasses and glass-forming melts", compiled under the direction of Mazurin and published from 1973 to 1998 by the publishing house "Nauka", has become extremely popular. Simultaneously, from 1982 to 1993, parts A - E of the handbook were translated into English and published by Elsevier in the Netherlands. O.V. Mazurin has published several hundred scientific articles and 15 monographs.

Oleg Vsevolodovich devoted a lot of time and effort to his editorial work, heading the editorial board of the journal Physics and Chemistry of Glass in the difficult years of perestroika. Thanks to active work during this period, the scientific level of articles published in the journal and its international prestige increased significantly, and the journal began to be regularly translated into English, which significantly expanded the circle of readers. For several years Oleg Vsevolodovich was the regional editor of the Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids.

In the early 1990s, with the direct participation of O.V. Mazurin, a research department was created in TERMEX LLC, in which qualitative measurements of the properties of glasses and melts were carried out to simulate the processes of annealing and tempering glass.

Until recently, O.V. Mazurin continued to actively work on improving the SciGlass electronic information system, which currently includes published data on the properties of more than 350,000 glass compositions and is appreciated by scientists all over the world.

The successful combination of Oleg Vsevolodovich's research activities and his contribution to the training of scientific personnel made it possible for dozens of doctors and candidates of sciences working at the international level in industry, research institutes and academia to consider him their teacher.

The international scientific community highly appreciated the merits of O.V. Mazurin. At the XIX International Glass Congress, held in Edinburgh in 2001, Oleg Vsevolodovich Mazurin received the President of the International Commission on Glass Award, awarded to outstanding scientists who made a significant contribution to the development of glass science and international cooperation in this field. In 2018, he became an Honorary Fellow of the American Ceramic Society.

O.V. Mazurin was distinguished by impeccable honesty as a person, leader and scientist. His exceptional responsiveness and benevolent attitude towards all who needed his help was known among numerous students and colleagues. Several generations of scientists are grateful to him for his thoughtful advice.

Blessed memory of him!

The obituary was prepared by the Directorate of the FSBSI Institute of Silicate Chemistry. I.V. Grebenshchikov RAS

On my own behalf and the entire Presidium of the StekloSoyuz Association, I express my sincere condolences to the family and friends of the deceased.

With respect,

President of the "StekloSouz" Association

Victor Osipov

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