New interstate standard GOST 5717.1-2021 Glass packaging. Banks and bottles for canned food products. General specifications come into effect

New interstate standard GOST 5717.1-2021 Glass packaging. Banks and bottles for canned food products. General specifications come into effect

Dear colleagues!

As part of the planned work on the development of technical regulation with the participation of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia under the leadership of the Standardization Expert, SE No. 0002063 Sergeeva L.S. work continues on the introduction of new interstate standards coming into effect.

MTK 074 "Glass containers and utensils"

The Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 149-P dated May 24, 2021) adopted the standard GOST 5717.1-2021 “Glass packaging. Banks and bottles for canned food products. General technical conditions".

The following voted for the adoption of the standard: Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan.

The standard was developed by the Limited Liability Company "Expert-Standard" with the active participation of members of the ITC (TC) 074 "Glass containers and utensils".

By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated August 13, 2021 No. 716-st, the interstate standard GOST 5717.1-2021 is put into effect as the national standard of the Russian Federation from March 1, 2022.

From this date, the interstate standard GOST 5717.1-2014 “Glass containers. Banks and bottles for food packaging. General technical conditions”, which was in force in Russia from 01.01. 2015

The scope of GOST 5717.1-2021 includes cans and bottles used in industrial production and home canning for packaging (bottling), transportation and storage of canned food products, juices, ketchups, sauces and vegetable oils, as well as bulk and other similar products from colorless , semi-white or colored sodium-calcium silicate glass according to GOST 34382.

The standard provides for the possibility of manufacturing decorated cans and bottles in the process of their molding.

The standard includes safety requirements in accordance with the technical regulation TR TS 005/2011 "On the safety of packaging" and amendments to it, new requirements for packaging and labeling of glass containers, taking into account the requirements for its disposal.

Since glass packaging is subject to mandatory declaration, in order to reduce the error in test and measurement results, the draft standard includes requirements from the unified interstate standards that have entered into force, especially for control methods developed by TK 074 “Glass containers and utensils”. During the validity of GOST 5717.1-2014 “Glass packaging. Banks and bottles for canned food products. General Technical Conditions”, 16 new interstate standards have been developed and come into effect, some of them are harmonized with European standards and with ISO standards. Two interstate standards have been put into effect for the terminology of types of defects in sizes and deviations from the nominal sizes of cans and bottles, 4 standards for new types of rims for vacuum sealing, for quality control methods established in the standard, and others. At the request of enterprises, the project additionally provides for the introduction of requirements for banks for bulk food products.

At the request of the factories, a requirement was introduced to control the strength of the walls of the bottle body under the action of a mechanical impact of the pendulum of the pendulum pile driver in accordance with GOST 34381 “Glass packaging. The strength of the walls of the body on impact. Test Methods". Considering the absence of mass-produced devices in Russia and a targeted study of this issue on bottles of various designs, the value of impact energy is given in the standard recommended based on an analysis of foreign requirements.

In order to draw up contracts for the supply of their products for the current and subsequent years, glass factories should revise their CTOs, taking into account the requirements of GOST 5717.1-2021 and other new standards, having received the Conclusion of an accredited standardization expert. Changes should be made to the technical documentation and brought to the attention of the relevant services.

In total, more than 50 Interstate and National standards are in force in the field of glass packaging for this period, the list of which is available in Expert-Standard LLC.

Gene. Director of Expert-Standard LLC, Standardization Expert, SE No. 0002063

L.S. Sergeeva

Regarding the implementation of GOST 5717.1 and GOST 32131, as well as other issues of standardization of glass packaging, you should seek advice from a member of the Interstate Technical Committee (MTC) 74 "Glass containers and packaging" and ISO 63 "Glass containers" Gen. director of "Expert-Standard" Sergeeva Lyudmila Sergeevna, e-mail:,

mob. tel. (915) 777-26-44, tel. (49241) 2-01-93

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