Scientists have created a new class of materials in the form of glassy gels

Scientists have created a new class of materials in the form of glassy gels

Scientists from North Carolina State University (USA) have created a new class of materials - “glassy gels”. They contain more than 50% liquid and are very durable.

Previously, gels and glassy polymers were considered incompatible. The former are soft and elastic, the latter are hard but fragile.

A new class of materials combines their properties. It is not inferior in hardness to glassy polymers and at the same time is capable of stretching five times its original length without breaking. Once stretched, the material can return to its original shape using heat. In addition, its surface is characterized by high adhesion (ability to stick), which is unusual for solid materials.

To obtain a glassy gel, liquid precursors of glassy polymers were combined with an ionic liquid. The mixture was then poured into a mold and exposed to ultraviolet light, which hardened it.

The scientists explained that the ionic liquid acts as a solvent. It pushes the molecular chains of the polymer apart, allowing the material to stretch. In this case, the ions are strongly attracted to the polymer, which prevents the movement of polymer chains. The inability of the chains to move makes the product glassy.

“The end result is that the material becomes rigid due to attractive forces, but is still capable of stretching,” the scientists explained.

It is important that the material is capable of self-healing when cut. According to scientists, it is suitable for solving a wide range of problems in modern industry, reports Nature.


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