Novosibirsk company «Sibsteklo» will increase productivity thanks to the national project

Novosibirsk company «Sibsteklo» will increase productivity thanks to the national project

The largest producer of glass containers beyond the Urals, Siberian Glass, has joined the national project “Labor Productivity”. At the end of November, a kick-off meeting was held at the site of the enterprise.

The company is confident that it will increase productivity by 5% per year, but set an ambitious goal to increase this indicator by 30% within three years.

To do this, taking into account the specifics of the glass container business and with the help of experts from the Regional Center for Competence in the Sphere of Labor Productivity of the Investment Development Agency of the Novosibirsk Region, the company plans to reduce intra-shop stocks, the time for performing technological operations and transportation of products, and increase the workload of employees. In addition, at Sibstekla they expect to find and eliminate temporary and other losses in the service of the chief engineer, auxiliary divisions.

At the same time, as noted by Sibstekl, the main technological equipment in glass complexes is now loaded by 98%, although there are hidden reserves here as well.

“Every employee must adhere to an approach that saves resources and gets the best results. This is not only about organizing workplaces according to the 5C system and observing regulations. The most important thing is for people to switch to lean thinking and become carriers of changes, showing initiative to achieve common goals, "said Anton Mor, General Director of Siberian Glass LLC.

Currently, the enterprise has begun the diagnostic phase (its duration is three months), which will reveal bottlenecks that hinder the growth of the production process efficiency; in parallel, the members of the working groups will undergo training within the framework of specialized programs.

Over the next three months, the specialists of the RCC AIR are implementing an action plan for creating a sample stream on one of the lines for the production of a lightweight bottle using the NNPB method. These products are in steady demand from customers; at present, the share of such products in the total production volume is 73%.

Kamilla Volosskaya, head of the Regional Competence Center of the Investment Development Agency of the Novosibirsk Region, noted that Novosibirsk enterprises that enter the national project receive a number of new opportunities.

“The national project provides many new opportunities for business - these are educational programs:“ Export Growth Accelerator ”,“ Productivity Leaders ”, trainings at the regional training center“ Process Factory ”, as well as training in lean manufacturing tools at enterprises. As well as financial support measures, for example, the possibility of obtaining concessional financing of up to 300 million rubles at 1% for up to 5 years, ”said Kamilla Volosskaya.

Today, 49 companies in the Novosibirsk Region have already become participants in the national project "Labor Productivity"; by 2024, their number should exceed 190.

Information about the national project:

The national project "Labor Productivity" was launched in the Novosibirsk Region at the end of 2019. The main task of the national project is to ensure the growth of labor productivity at medium and large enterprises of the basic non-resource sectors of the Russian economy by at least 5% per year by 2024 through the introduction of lean manufacturing tools.

The regional center of competence in the field of labor productivity, created on the basis of the Investment Development Agency of the Novosibirsk Region, provides targeted support to enterprises within the framework of the national project. Currently, 49 large and medium-sized enterprises of the Novosibirsk region have become participants in the national project, more than 900 employees of these enterprises have been trained in lean manufacturing tools. Most of the participants in the national project are active in the manufacturing industry.

By 2024, it is planned to involve 191 enterprises in the national project in the region, train 2.5 thousand employees in lean manufacturing tools.

Information about the company "Siberian Glass":

LLC Siberian Glass (Sibsteklo, an asset of RATM Holding) - the largest manufacturer of glass containers in the Asian part of Russia, an anchor resident of the Ekran industrial park; specializes in the production of colorless and colored container glass: 120 types of products have been mastered.

Currently, Sibsteklo cooperates with major federal players in the spirits segment, international brewing giants, leading regional representatives of the beer industry (owners of local brands), water and lemonade producers. Geography of supplies - regions from the Urals to the Far East, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia.

Since 2015, thanks to the modernization of glass complexes, which provided for several stages, the production of container glass has more than doubled - from 320 million to 643.3 million pieces in 2020. Moreover, 64% of the total volume was made by the NNPB method (Narrow Neck Press and Blow) - when the bottle is 90 g lighter than the standard one with the same geometric dimensions. Today the company has 7 lines for the production of lightweight containers weighing 260 g.

In 2021, a new glass-melting furnace was commissioned with a design capacity of 375 tons of molten glass per year - one of the largest in Russia. The implementation of this investment project worth 1.5 billion rubles allows the plant to increase its productivity to 850 million glassware per year.

Based on materials from the Investment Development Agency of the Novosibirsk Region

Sibsteklo LLC is a member of the Association StekloSouz of Russia.

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