New production of translucent structures will appear in the Volga region

New production of translucent structures will appear in the Volga region

As reported by the press service of the Orenburg Region government, enterprises in the region have the opportunity to receive a loan for the purchase of new equipment at a preferential interest rate. Since the beginning of the year, the regional Industrial Development Fund has issued 13 loans for a total of 355 million rubles.

The head of the region, Denis Pasler, said that the total budget of the financed projects amounted to 9 billion rubles.

"Support for industry and the development of its potential is one of the main priorities of the regional government. We are constantly increasing the capitalization of support funds, developing business infrastructure so that our entrepreneurs have support for building and developing their business," Denis Pasler emphasized.

In particular, thanks to such support, Wisla Glass LLC will begin construction of a factory for the production of double-glazed windows and translucent structures.

For entrepreneurs affected by the flood, the regional IDF issues loans at 1% per annum. For example, entrepreneur Pavel Filippov is updating workshops for the production of building materials, and Anna Lapshina is updating PVC window production lines.


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