«Scientific and Technical Center «Bakor» is a new member of the Association «StekloSouz» of Russia

«Scientific and Technical Center «Bakor» is a new member of the Association «StekloSouz» of Russia

Dear colleagues!

We present to you a new member of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia, Scientific and Technical Center Bakor LLC (STC Bakor LLC).

Scientific and Technical Center Bakor (founded in 1991) is one of the leading companies in the market of industrial ceramics and refractory products, a leader in innovative developments of ceramic nano-technological filters and unique refractory materials.

The center specializes in the production of special refractories and refractory materials, ceramic nano-technological filters for various purposes. The company's products are in demand by enterprises in the nuclear, aerospace, metallurgical, glass, mining and processing, mining and metallurgical, oil and gas chemical industries, construction and housing and utilities industries.

Modern experimental and production base and a variety of advanced technologies allow STC Bakor to develop new effective materials in the field of technical ceramics in a short time and to manufacture products with unique performance properties on an industrial scale at the level of the best world manufacturers of similar products.

STC Bakor includes: 4 scientific and technical centers, 2 design bureaus, 10 service centers, 2 production sites.

STC Bakor developments have received awards and are protected by 100+ patents of the Russian Federation and the Eurasian Patent Society. In 2007, STC Bakor was recognized as the "Best Scientific Organization of the Moscow Region" and awarded the Russian Government Prize in Science and Technology. The company received high praise for its developments: innovative filters made of porous ceramics and filter units for cleaning harmful emissions, in demand by metallurgical and petrochemical plants.

CATALOGUE of refractories of NTC Bakor LLC (open).

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