Sibsteklo is strengthening its human resources

Sibsteklo is strengthening its human resources

Dear colleagues, we are publishing news about the member of the Association StekloSouz of Russia, Siberian Glass LLC (Sibsteklo):

In the context of a personnel shortage, Sibirskoye Steklo LLC (Sibsteklo, the largest glass container manufacturer in the Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts, an asset of RATM Holding) is building a system that allows retaining valuable employees and attracting new ones.

As reported by Sibsteklo CEO Anton Mor, in 2024 the wage fund at the enterprise increased by 20% due to a gradual increase in salaries, primarily for line managers and workers.

– Their efficiency is also growing: for example, due to the reconfiguration of production processes in certain areas, the same tasks are now performed by three employees instead of five, which has reduced the number of vacancies, – explains Anton Mor.

According to its own programs, Sibstelk trains glassmakers, glass-forming machine operators, inspection equipment adjusters, glass production inspectors and repairmen. Since training in these specialties is not provided in Novosibirsk colleges, even those who have no experience and technical education are accepted. Last year, 67 people were trained.

- In addition, we attract glassmakers from other regions, primarily the European part of Russia, who are ready to consider relocation options, - says Anton Mor. - We also invite young people from rural areas to the enterprise, and pay for their accommodation. Many initially considered working for us as temporary, but later appreciated the benefits of permanent employment.

These include a competitive social package, which includes various types of compensation and financial assistance. Employees have the opportunity, at the expense of the employer, to play sports, attend leisure events, use corporate transport, etc. Among the motivational tools are bonuses for labor merits, rationalization proposals, mentoring and a long history of impeccable work. - The personnel policy should be flexible - take into account the interests of both employees and the company, ensuring a social and economic effect, - summarizes Anton Mor. - In order to achieve results today and meet the increased demand for glass packaging, we need to maintain the professional structure of the personnel, the qualification level of workers. We achieve this by maintaining a balance of material and moral incentives - we value the contribution of each specialist to the overall success and strive to emphasize his importance for the plant.

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