Mordovia has applied for accreditation of an industrial park

Mordovia has applied for accreditation of an industrial park

In Mordovia, the creation of a special economic zone of industrial production type continues under the program of socio-economic development of the republic, supported by the President of Russia.

According to the head of Mordovia Artem Zdunov, the Svetotekhnika industrial park based on the Lisma plant is a priority project.

At the moment, an application for accreditation has been submitted - this will allow residents to be provided with special support measures.

Three empty buildings were purchased by investors. Production of medical glass products, poles and street lamps, and reinforced concrete structures will appear here.

More than 400 jobs will be created in the next two years. There are four more projects in the works. According to Artem Zdunov, the total investment volume is over 8 billion rubles.


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