Moscow Economic Forum “New Deal. It's time to act. Money to Russia! ”

Moscow Economic Forum “New Deal. It's time to act. Money to Russia! ”

In the second half of March 2020, the Moscow Economic Forum “New Deal. It's time to act. Money to Russia! ”

The forum was held in a teleconference mode simultaneously in four regions: Moscow, Kaluga, Samara and Novosibirsk. The event was attended by well-known Russian scientists, politicians, businessmen, representatives of relevant ministries and departments.

From the glass industry of the Russian Federation, permanent long-term participants in this event are the leaders of the StekloSouz of Russia Association together with representatives of glass enterprises.

During the forum, participants discussed the importance of changing the country's economic course, as well as Russia's international reserves.

The event was attended by: the founder of the Moscow Economic Forum Konstantin Babkin, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, current member of the board on the main areas of integration and macroeconomics of the Eurasian Economic Commission Sergey Glazyev, scientific director of the Institute for Globalization Problems Mikhail Delyagin, president of the Association of Russian Banks Garegin Tosunyan, chairman of the Council of the RF CCI on financial, industrial and investment policy Vladimir Gamza, head of the Chkalovsky rural settlement of Primorsky Territory Vsevolod Iu, general irektor Ltd. "IT Energo" Andrew Andreichenko, director of the Higher School of the organization and management of health Ulumbekova Guzel and others.

The chairman of the forum, Konstantin Babkin, addressed the participants of the Moscow Economic Forum with a welcoming speech: “Against the backdrop of a new economic crisis due to the coronavirus, collapsed oil prices, the collapse of the ruble, the“ freezing ”of the political system in Russia, the Moscow Economic Forum resumes its work ".

“Six forums have already taken place in Moscow, but so far we have simply criticized the existing economic model, only highlighting its shortcomings. Today we propose to give an ideological component to the new IEF - we will demand a change in the country's development course. We propose to build the work so that the forum was held not only in Moscow, but also caused a response in the regions of our country, "said Konstantin Babkin.

The speaker noted that the current economic situation is the consequences of modern liberal policies aimed at integrating Russia into world production chains as a raw materials appendage. For a long time, the country was actively withdrawing money from the country, hundreds of billions of dollars were invested in the Central Bank's gold and currency reserves, the stabilization fund, and the savings of state corporations.

According to K. Babkin, “Russia holds 82% of reserves in bank accounts abroad. The volume of the National Welfare Fund is 14.3 trillion. rubles. If you divide it into all the inhabitants of Russia, you get half a million rubles for every citizen of our country. This is a lot of money and they should work for the development of Russia! ”

The chairman of the IEF is convinced that the time has come to change the economic paradigm of the country's development and spoke about the new ideological movement “New Deal:“ What is the essence of the New Deal? It is to consider Russia as an independent civilization, as a value culturally, historically, economically. This means that we need to develop our culture, our economy, industry, agriculture and not try to merge somewhere and please someone. ”

“Our task in the near future is to ensure that Russia's policy is coherent and aimed at strengthening our economy and our civilization,” the speaker said.

Konstantin Babkin made concrete suggestions on how to make a leap forward: “The recipe for bringing the economy to a new world level is based on three principles: reforming the principles of foreign trade (protectionism), stimulating monetary policy, stimulating tax policy.”

“The Russian government must be persuaded to turn to the New Deal: a course of creation and development!”, K. Babkin is convinced.

Sergei Glazyev, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, current member of the board on the main areas of integration and macroeconomics of the Eurasian Economic Commission, thanked the chairman of the IEF Konstantin Babkin for the revival of the forum: “I am very glad that the Moscow Economic Forum is resuming its activities. This is an important alternative to the strange policies that have been pursued in recent years. ”

According to the academician, the Russian economy was turned into a donor of the global financial system. As a result of this situation, “the economy is operating at half its potential capacity.”

As far back as 2012, the President of Russia set the task of bringing the economy to sustainable growth, but stagnation still remains. Against the backdrop of successfully developing Asian countries that are shaping global economic growth, “we look very pale,” the expert noted.

Stability is achieved only through sustainable economic growth, which requires investments and loans, only through scientific and technological progress, investments in cost reduction, we get a long-term sustainable macroeconomic situation, - said Glazyev.

The head of the Higher School of Organization and Management of Healthcare Guzel Ulumbekova spoke about the systemic crisis in healthcare. According to her, “Today, a catastrophic situation has developed in the healthcare sector in Russia, which does not allow medical workers to fulfill their duty to patients, and for patients to receive state-guaranteed medical care.” G. Ulumbaeva believes that this is the result of fatal reforms and prolonged underfunding of healthcare: “In 2018, government spending on the industry was 1.9 times lower than in the“ new-8 ”EU countries close to our country in terms of economic development” . According to the speaker, to correct the current situation, it is necessary to increase public spending on health to 5% of GDP by 2024. "

According to Guzel Ulumbekova, additional funds should go primarily to increase the remuneration of medical workers (to attract personnel to the primary care), to create a universal drug supply system and to improve the skills of medical workers.

Assessment of the existing economic policy was given by the President of the Association of Russian Banks Garegin Tosunyan. In his opinion, without a stimulating monetary policy, we cannot become a developed economic power. “Since 2019, the outflow of capital from the Russian Federation has amounted to 40 billion rubles. The outflow of capital deprives Russia of the highest quality money and is a sign of a significant share of the shadow economy,” the speaker emphasized.

Chairman of the Council of the RF CCI on financial-industrial and investment policy Vladimir Gamza in his speech spoke about the investment potential of Russia's international reserves: “In 2019, the money supply of Russia amounted to 123.5 trillion rubles. Russia's foreign exchange reserves are 8 times more than recommended by the IMF! And all this money does not work for the economy, ”he said with regret.

Vladimir Gamza recalled that “per month we produce per capita only 62 thousand rubles. We are a very poor country. Until we divert excessively accumulated reserves to the development of our country, we will "hang out below the average level."

The head of the Chkalovsky rural settlement of the Primorsky Territory, Vsevolod Iu, spoke about the daily problems that residents of rural settlements face. He began his speech with statistics: “According to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, today there are 70 trillion rubles in foreign reserves.” And the budget of the settlement that I head is only 14 million a year. At the same time, from above, they constantly talk to me about saving money, about what needs to be tolerated. To endure the lack of money for water supply, for roads, for education, for medicine; be patient when people leave the settlement. "

The new course, Iu notes, is industrialization, a revival of agriculture, a change of priorities from the external focus to the internal development of the country and society.

The economist and scientific director of the Institute for Globalization Problems Mikhail Delyagin noted that all the efforts of the financial and economic bloc of the country are aimed at pulling the last money out of the country and putting it into a coin, or investing in foreign securities. Moreover, such a hoarding policy is directly linked to a deliberate deterioration of the situation of the most vulnerable sections of the population.

“According to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, unused financial reserves reached 14.5 trillion. rubles. If desired, this money could be used to eradicate poverty and rebuild the country, ”the economist said.

According to the representative of the Novosibirsk region, the general director of Aichi Energo LLC Andrei Andreichenko, the situation with international reserves is extremely confusing and has been going on since the 1990s:

“We need to live on our own funds and invest them in our development. We need to tell people the whole truth, since there is a certain veil in this matter - why do we keep this money at meager interest abroad. All this is a signal that we do not have economic sovereignty. ”

At the end of the discussion, its participants agreed that today Russia needs a change in the economic paradigm, the country needs a New Deal.

Konstantin Babkin thanked the session participants for an active and informative discussion and noted that “Russia cannot develop without a clear economic growth strategy. We hope that the ideas of the Moscow Economic Forum will bring closer the moment of economic breakthrough, social and technological development. I thank everyone who is involved in this and aims to change the country with us. ”

Further, the experts made speeches from the audience and a direct inclusion from Novosibirsk, Samara and Kaluga took place.

In the near future a series of contests and promotions will be held as part of the New Deal project.

*The special session of the IEF is taking place against the background of tightening measures introduced in Moscow because of the coronavirus. In accordance with the decree of the Moscow City Hall, the event was held in different rooms, the number of participants in each of the rooms did not exceed 50 people.

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