A Crimean resident transferred his proprietary technology for producing bulletproof glass to the military

A Crimean resident transferred his proprietary technology for producing bulletproof glass to the military

While a special operation is underway in the country, it is difficult to stay on the sidelines. Therefore, caring Crimeans try to help as much as they can. For our fighters, Yalta pensioners weave camouflage nets, volunteers prepare trench candles that can burn for a long time, collect dried borscht set and knit warm socks. The main thing is with care and great love. Crimean Viktor also decided not to wait long and started with the most important thing - a way to save the lives of soldiers in the combat zone.


Not long ago, his small enterprise in the Bakhchisarai district made designer jewelry. The entire team came to the peninsula 12 years ago from Energodar, Zaporozhye region. Until 2023, they diligently worked on sophisticated jewelry, but with the beginning of the SVO, they retrained to produce bulletproof glass. Local jewelers had to give up jewelry and diamonds in order to save human lives.

"In 2014, we decided to focus on hand-made jewelry and decorative and applied art items using filigree technique with hot enamel. But about a year ago, we put everything on hold, stopped jewelry production, and the whole team decided to change our field of activity. How can we sit back?" - says Victor.

At first, part of the money earned was sent to the needs of the soldiers. But then we realized that they would bring more benefit in another way. In addition, the jewelers had some experience in decorative triplex - multi-layer glass, which is made in a special way from film and polymers. This material is usually used to make shower doors, kitchen panel doors, and special glass vents. Windows for military vehicles are made in a similar way. But the level of protection depends on some features of the manufacturing process.


The main task is to create multilayer bulletproof glass in the field, and not deep in the rear at enterprises. This is exactly what the Crimean craftsmen decided to do to help our guys. But they decided to bring the already strong technology to the ideal and began to use poured triplex, when a special composite is poured between the layers of glass.

“This method is considered more profitable. Firstly, because there is no need to use large-scale equipment with high energy consumption. You only need to irradiate it with special ultraviolet light so that the layer hardens. The main damaging elements now are fragments,” notes Viktor.

Thanks to the improved technology of bulletproof glass, Crimean manufacturers even managed to reduce the weight of the finished product. For example, if an ordinary truck windshield weighs about 130 kilograms, then the local development is half as much, and is not inferior in efficiency.

A unique technology for manufacturing bulletproof glass with a polymer insert allows using bulletproof glass immediately after gluing, without waiting four to eight weeks. And the polymer insert used increases bullet resistance with less thickness and weight, compared to similar products.


According to Viktor, their task is not only to produce bulletproof material, but also to train the personnel of the Ministry of Defense so that the military can manufacture glass in the field. In addition, the Crimean craftsmen assure that their armoring technology is simple and does not require bulky and specialized equipment. Therefore, production can be established directly on the territories of repair bases.

A year ago, the enterprise took part in the Army-2023 exhibition, after which they were attached to the Ryazan Guards Higher Airborne Order of Suvorov Twice Red Banner Command School named after Army General V. F. Margelov, so that the Crimeans could transfer their original developments.

“Therefore, now the school is the patent holder, and we are the authors of the developments. Thus, the school conducts scientific substantiation, and we are responsible for practical application under the volunteer program,” Viktor added.

Source: www.crimea.kp.ru

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