Glass collection campaign in Estonia

Glass collection campaign in Estonia

Glass is the most sustainable packaging material. It is unique in that it can be reused almost indefinitely without loss of quality. This means that all glass jars and other glass containers that people collect separately and drop into a glass container are used to make new glass products.

The goal of the glass collection campaign organized by OÜ Eesti Pakendiringlus is to collect as much glass as possible separately. For every 10,000 tons of glass brought into glass collection containers installed by OÜ Eesti Pakendiringlus all over Estonia, OÜ Eesti Pakendiringlus, in cooperation with AS Vestman Mets, will create a new valuable forest ecosystem.

“People in Estonia have been collecting glass containers separately for a long time. This is a good tradition that should be rethought. It is even believed that glass, apparently, was generally one of the first packaging materials that people began to collect separately and reuse, ”said Alder Harkmann, board member of OÜ Eesti Pakendiringlus. - ”OÜ Eesti Pakendiringlus set out to collect as many glass containers as possible. Our goal is to make nature cleaner. I hope people understand that the cleaner the collected glass containers, the easier it is to reuse them. It is best to bring it in a glass container. I do not want to arrange some kind of joke or offer some things, but we give people a promise that in gratitude for their efforts and sorting glass containers, forest specialists in cooperation with us will help create an ecosystem, enrich and preserve it and create a natural diversity".

According to the manager of AS Vestman Mets Andres Lavrenov, it is important that people do not focus only on planting trees.

“Not all seedlings grow, some trees are defeated in their natural competition for habitat and die. In order to ensure such a result in the final phase of forest development, which would be as close as possible to the desired result, usually almost twice as many trees are planted, which, moreover, usually need to be cared for 3-4 years in a row. When planning the growing of the stand, we will take into account the growing environment of the tree. We will assess the success of the forest growth in about five years, when all the necessary steps have been taken to ensure the survival of the trees at the further stage of development. Then the cultivation of a diverse forest stand will begin, and at least 1,000 planted trees will already grow on one hectare of forest area, ”said Andres Lavrenov.

“We believe that by the spring of 2022 we will have collected at least 10,000 tons of glass and then we will plant the first five hectares of forest. In the spring of 2022, we will plant spruce, pine or birch seedlings in the selected area. In autumn 2021 we will start preparing the forest area, ”added Alder Harkmann.

How can you make nature cleaner and less harmful as a consumer on your own?

When shopping, try to choose foods that are packaged in recyclable materials such as glass. This will make nature cleaner, as it will reduce the amount of packaging waste and waste generated by the production of fossil materials. Collect your glass jars and bottles separately and throw them into glass containers installed by OÜ Eesti Pakendiringlus. We send glass into circulation and, on our part, promise to plant five hectares of land for every five tons of collected glass. In this way, we will promote carbon sequestration and increase the diversity of nature, as well as take care of the purity of nature.

Glass making starts with the use of sand, which means that no fossil fuels are used as raw materials for glass production. The collected used glass containers are melted and used in the manufacture of new products. It is especially important that in the production of glass from used glass, less energy is expended than when it is produced from scratch, that is, from sand.

Do not throw glass containers into a mixed household waste container or mixed packaging, but collect them separately and throw them into the glass container of OÜ Eesti Pakendiringlus.

Throw into glass containers:

  • glass bottles
  • glass jars

Do not drop into glass container:

  • window panes and mirrors
  • crystals and opal glass (packaging of cosmetic products)
  • porcelain and clay
  • plastic
  • heat-resistant glass (baking dishes, coffee pots)
  • incandescent lamps, etc.


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