What a 200-year-old glass factory looks like now, which supplied many research institutes in the Soviet Union

What a 200-year-old glass factory looks like now, which supplied many research institutes in the Soviet Union

Decay and devastation. Glass tubes are scattered in heaps in crumbling cases and even on the street. Most of the buildings have no windows or doors, but some are still boarded up. And during an unauthorized walk through the territory, they accidentally met an employee who said that the plant was still operating.

We really wanted to look at the old buildings of the plant and find deposits of lump glass, which, according to the testimony of those who climbed earlier, is there (well, and other glass at the same time).

Glass Druzhnogorka

In 1801, the enterprising and wealthy German Riting founded a glass factory not far from St. Petersburg, and a rather large settlement grew up around it.

The village was rich with its own school and street lighting, and the plant itself received various awards at exhibitions. But what can I say, Karl Bulla himself came to photograph the plant, and this is already an indicator of status and level.Как сейчас выглядит 200-летний стекольный завод, который снабжал многие НИИ в Союзе

Glass factory in the USSR

After the revolution and nationalization, the plant was developed until the 1980s. He was one of the main suppliers of chemical and laboratory glassware to various research institutes. Not only cones were made here, but also pharmaceutical dishes and glasses for quartz lamps. But even before the 1990s and the collapse of the Soviet Union, the plant began to "hand over".

After the nineties, he passed into private hands, and by 2005 he was bankrupt. But, as it turns out, it has not completely disappeared.

2021  год. Позади Ленина тот же Аппаратурный цех, что и на снимке К.Буллы

2021 year. Behind Lenin is the same Hardware Shop as in the picture of K. Bulla

I managed to visit the territory of the plant in the spring of 2021. It is conditionally guarded, and even (like) one of those who climbed into the building was caught and handed over to the police.

Abandoned glass factory now

In reality, only the entrance gates are guarded, and there is no fence around the perimeter. I propose to take a walk through the buildings that were available for inspection, and at the same time I will tell you where we finally found glass stones (not at all where we expected).

Let's start with Hardware. This old case attracts attention both externally and internally. The main entrance is boarded up, but there are enough zalazov, what's inside?Как сейчас выглядит 200-летний стекольный завод, который снабжал многие НИИ в Союзе

Shabby walls, scary stairs, but everything is pretty strong and, despite the devastation, beautiful.

Как сейчас выглядит 200-летний стекольный завод, который снабжал многие НИИ в Союзе

In some places on the ground floor there is a real trash heap - here are broken glass and boxes with pharmaceutical vials, glass stoppers for bottles and even whole ribbons of uncut sponges for washing dishes.

But on the second floor there are ballrooms, each with its own atmosphere (thanks to glass blocks).

Как сейчас выглядит 200-летний стекольный завод, который снабжал многие НИИ в Союзе

Как сейчас выглядит 200-летний стекольный завод, который снабжал многие НИИ в Союзе

There are also remains of glass products on the second floor. Lots of piles of glass tubes and something else.

Как сейчас выглядит 200-летний стекольный завод, который снабжал многие НИИ в Союзе

We were surprised by the strange constructions in one of the halls of the Equipment Department. Whether it is a fire extinguishing system, or something else, it is not clear. But there are watering cans in the ceiling all over the room.Как сейчас выглядит 200-летний стекольный завод, который снабжал многие НИИ в Союзе

And the windows overlook the entire territory of the plant. From here, by the way, it was clear that there are employees here, and a little later it turns out that the yellow building on the right is the operating part of the plant.Вид на завод. Желтое здание, как выяснится позже, -действующий корпус завода.

Factory view. The yellow building, as it turns out later, is the current building of the plant.

After examining the equipment, we go further. Somewhere else there must be magical green corridors, mountains of bubbles and the coveted lumps of glass.

On the way, we meet a young fellow employee, who clearly does not care about us, and we decide to ask him about the security. The guy recommends not to go into some buildings and not to get caught by the guards.Как сейчас выглядит 200-летний стекольный завод, который снабжал многие НИИ в Союзе

The building on the right is operating and still produces a certain amount of chemical vessels. On the left, abandoned warehouses, already empty and littered.

Most of the rest of the premises is frankly boring and ruined. What happened to them and how they collapsed is unclear, because in most of them the pipes have not even been cut out yet, but at the same time the doors and walls have been broken, surprisingly.

Как сейчас выглядит 200-летний стекольный завод, который снабжал многие НИИ в Союзе

Likewise, in the great hall there are mountains of snow-white sand, there is some kind of crane-like metal contraption left above, but the walls are like after the bombing. And in some rooms you need to be extremely careful.Как сейчас выглядит 200-летний стекольный завод, который снабжал многие НИИ в Союзе

Even the inscriptions on the doors warn that a fall is possible. And it's not only about the elevator shafts that are here, but also about ordinary halls, where suddenly there is no floor.

What was here and why is now the hole in the semi-incomprehensible. But creepy. But among the total devastation of abandoned buildings, we found a "green corridor".Как сейчас выглядит 200-летний стекольный завод, который снабжал многие НИИ в Союзе

Green glass-block windows create an absolutely wonderful world in this cramped corridor. Very unusual. But we were looking for glass gizmos. to take pictures and admire, but here again they are not.

We went around all open buildings and everywhere strange destruction and the remains of some kind of machine tools or products. At one of the closed buildings, the ground was strewn with shards of pipes made of an unusual white material, similar to marble, but warm and light.

There were also the remains of the pipes themselves. We respect the law and we do not arrange inside the boarded-up buildings ourselves, we use the created ones as much as possible. And all the other buildings of interest to us turned out to be boarded up or with an entrance directly opposite the guards.

On the territory, we found the former factory railway tracks, from which we had already dragged the rails, and after walking along them, we finally found a clearing with glass, when we no longer expected.Как сейчас выглядит 200-летний стекольный завод, который снабжал многие НИИ в Союзе

At the far from the Apparatus (and Lenin) end of the plant is an abandoned water tower, which can be used as a reference point. And between it and the railway tracks, a clearing with "gems" is found.Как сейчас выглядит 200-летний стекольный завод, который снабжал многие НИИ в Союзе

Some blocks of glass are so huge that they cannot be lifted, but they are all very beautiful in the sun. (hopefully they haven't all been stolen yet)

We were already going to complete the circle along another path inside the territory of the plant, but ran into guards and quickly retreated through the nearest "exit" from the territory.

Returning to the car, we drew attention to the plant management building, which looks abandoned, but in fact is absolutely functional, albeit magnetized.внизу уже открыт Магнитит

below "Magnitit" is already open

This is how it turned out to be a walk through an abandoned, under-abandoned factory, which is more than 200 years old.

Source: Immense Homeland with Lydia Sharapova

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