Good news! «Gusevsky glass college»

Good news! «Gusevsky glass college»

The Association "StekloSouz" of Russia consistently sought, when merging two secondary educational institutions in the city of Gus-Khrustalny, Vladimir Region, to retain the name "Gusevsky Glass College" and the specialization of the educational institution, while expanding the curriculum to train students in other specialties necessary for other sectors of the national economy Russia.

As you know, the Gusevsky glass technical school was founded in the 30s of the last century.

During the period of work, the technical school has trained thousands of good specialists for the glass industry.

Many graduates of a unique educational institution work as plant managers, head complex divisions at glass factories in Russia and the CIS countries.

The change in the specialization of the educational institution and the termination of the training of young specialists could lead to irreparable consequences for the glass industry.

"Gusevsky Glass College" according to the agreed Programs, trains unique specialists in glass production and other specialties for the glass industry.

At present, the new leadership of the Vladimir Region, with the support of Acting Governor Alexander Avdeev, agreed with the arguments of "StekloSouz" and we received a positive decision.

Official documents have been sent to "StekloSouz" of Russia in the name of Viktor Osipov, President of the Association: the reorganized educational institution is planned to be renamed "Gusevsky Glass College".

Combining the efforts of the two colleges will help not only preserve the traditional areas of training for the glass industry, but also qualitatively develop it to meet the needs of the city-forming enterprises.

Director of the Scientific and Technical Center "StekloSouz" (STC SSR) Lyudmila Korshunova was instructed, together with the leadership of the college, to finalize the curriculum for 2022-2023.

Press center "StekloSouz".

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