Decembrist Orlov produced rare colored glass at a factory in Kaluga province

Decembrist Orlov produced rare colored glass at a factory in Kaluga province

235 years ago, a participant in the Patriotic War of 1812, Decembrist Mikhail Fedorovich Orlov, was born. On December 21, 1825, he was arrested on charges of participation in the uprising and exiled to the Milyatino estate in Kaluga province.

The Mystery of Birth

Mikhail Orlov was the illegitimate son of Count Fyodor Grigorievich Orlov. And Tatyana Fedorovna Yaroslavskaya raised the boy. The historian Bartenev wrote:

“From the beautiful wife of the court servant Popov, nee Gusyatnikova, Count Fyodor Orlov had: Alexei, Mikhail, Vladimir (who died at the age of 19) and Gregory. After her death, he entered into a relationship with Tatyana Fedorovna Yaroslavova and had a son, Fedor, and a daughter, Anna.”

Be that as it may, after the death of Fyodor Orlov, Catherine II made his children legal heirs, since the count died single. Tatyana Fedorovna Yaroslavova looked after the children of Fyodor Grigorievich, receiving money for this; in the documents she was called a matron.

In military service

As a child, Mikhail was brought up in a private boarding school and, according to contemporaries, was handsome and strong. Then he was enlisted in a cavalry regiment. He took part in the Battle of Austerlitz.

By the beginning of the war with Napoleon, he had already been awarded a golden sword and appointed aide-de-camp to Emperor Alexander I, and later adjutant to Barclay de Tolly.

Under Kutuzov he took part in many battles, including Borodino and Maloyaroslavets.

Then he showed himself excellently abroad, drafted and accepted the capitulation of Paris, participated in negotiations, and received the rank of major general.

Returning to Russia, he became known as an oppositionist because of his progressive views. Alexander I was suspicious of him. But then he still gave the division under the command of Orlov. And Mikhail Fedorovich began to educate soldiers: he organized training sessions for them, and abolished corporal punishment.

Mikhail Orlov was very active, had an energetic character and could not sit idle.

Meeting Pushkin

Orlov was familiar with Griboyedov, Pushkin, and even joined the Arzamas literary society with the pseudonym “Rein”. He and Pushkin became especially close when the poet was sent into southern exile. Mikhail Orlov at that time married the daughter of General Raevsky, Ekaterina. And they had a house in Chisinau, where Pushkin often visited.

“We very often see Pushkin, who comes to argue with his husband about all sorts of subjects,” wrote Catherine. But then Orlov and Pushkin quarreled and did not communicate. But in his letters, Alexander Sergeevich still called Orlov an intelligent and kind person.

Mikhail Orlov developed plans for the transformation of Russia: he dreamed of the abolition of serfdom, trial by jury, and freedom of the press. Therefore, secret surveillance was established over Orlov.

And when discontent broke out in his division: one soldier was unjustly punished with sticks, and Orlov ordered that the one who gave the order for punishment be tried.

However, the authorities, frightened by the unrest, reconsidered the case, released the culprit, and punished especially active soldiers with a whip and sent them to hard labor. Orlov was relieved of command.

Colored glass

Mikhail Orlov led one of the branches of the Union of Welfare, from which he formally left in 1821, but maintained relations with many Decembrists.

He did not take part in the preparation of the uprising on Senate Square, but was still arrested and spent six months in the Peter and Paul Fortress.

After his brother Alexei Orlov, who led the suppression of the uprising on Senate Square, stood up for him, Mikhail Fedorovich was sent to his family estate in the village of Milyatino, Kaluga province, under police supervision.

On the estate, Orlov had nowhere to devote his vigorous energy. He even got bored. But then he began to write a book “On State Credit” and started working in a glass factory, which he inherited. The plant produced tableware made of clear glass, as well as blue and cherry.

These were aristocratic things, decorated in the European style with engraving, painting, and enamel. Orlov was able to increase production. He produced crystal and achieved its purity and transparency. And at the First All-Russian Manufacturing Exhibition of 1829 in St. Petersburg it received a small gold medal, the plant was noted among the best.

After that, Mikhail Fedorovich expanded production, set up a gilding and painting workshop, and a chemical laboratory for paints. I started making multi-colored glass. His craftsmen were even able to assemble a picture from colored glass, which amazed the entire secular society at the exhibition.

At the same time, Orlov experienced significant financial difficulties. He was able to deliver a parcel of glass to the Minister of Finance, asking for permission to build a painted glass factory in Moscow and take orders. But this did not bring good income.

But in 1831 Orlov was allowed to live in Moscow. Contemporaries spoke about him like this: “Orlov was a man of outstanding intelligence, with an exalted soul and noble character, “a knight of love and honor,” in the words of Prince Vyazemsky.

His personality was so attractive that once you met him, you could not help but fall in love with him. But extremely passionate and ardent, he was often not restrained in words and acted under the influence of his first impression.”

He devoted the last years of his life to organizing schools of painting, sculpture and architecture in Moscow. Died March 31, 1842, aged 53.

After this, the glass factory was sold, the new owners were unable to manage it and eventually closed it.


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