Degtyarev announced the need to produce glass in the Khabarovsk Territory

Degtyarev announced the need to produce glass in the Khabarovsk Territory

The head of the Khabarovsk Territory, Mikhail Degtyarev, told RIA Novosti at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum that he was looking for investors to build a glass factory in the region.

“We are looking to see if it is time for us to release glass. I am looking for an investor for a glass factory here, on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg forum. Haven't found it yet. If someone applies through your interview, we will give everything: land, tax preferences. The market is huge. The entire Far East is ready to buy glass, but it is not available,” Degtyarev said.

In December 2020, the question of the possibility of creating a glass processing plant in the region was raised at a meeting between the First Deputy Head of the Khabarovsk Municipal District Tatyana Lugovskaya and the director of Realit LLC Viktor Vtorushin, representing the interests of a potential investor Glass Recycling LLC (Novosibirsk). In order to develop cooperation, it was planned to select options for land plots and premises necessary for the implementation of this project. Sites in the villages of Ilyinka, Vostochnoye and Bychikha were considered. As clarified in the district administration, they intended to collect glass from landfills, from manufacturers of window products, and catering establishments. Scrap glass was expected to be delivered to the Novosibirsk Ekran plant, where new products would be made from recycled materials. To purchase equipment, an amount of about two million rubles was called.

The issue of building a glass factory in the region was raised back in 2012. It was planned that the enterprise was supposed to produce glass containers for the food industry - according to preliminary estimates, it would produce about 450 million bottles a year.

Source: RIA Novosti

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