Dagestan has offered Iran to purchase local glass containers

Dagestan has offered Iran to purchase local glass containers

Makhachkala is negotiating with Tehran on the sale of locally produced glass containers. The plant in Dagestanskiye Ogni supplies products to Azerbaijan, Belarus and other countries.

Dagestan has proposed Iran to establish supplies of glass containers from the Dagestan Glass Tara plant in Dagestanskiye Ogni; the parties are negotiating.

Today, the company actively supplies its products to Russian regions, as well as to Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus and Georgia.

As RIA Dagestan writes, the expansion of production for 1.7 billion rubles will allow the plant to begin producing about 150 million pieces of glass containers per year.

It is worth adding that today the company employs about 500 people. After reaching full capacity and implementing the project, the number of jobs will increase by 200.

Source: vestikavkaza.ru

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