Member of the Association «StekloSouz» of Russia at the All-Russian wine exhibition «Wine Industry»

Member of the Association «StekloSouz» of Russia at the All-Russian wine exhibition «Wine Industry»

Dear Colleagues!

During the period from July 23 to 25 in St. Petersburg, a member of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia - United Glass Factories LLC - takes part in the All-Russian wine exhibition "Wine Industry".

“Wine Industry” is positioned as one of the main wine events of the year. The event aims to unite all industry representatives and create a lively dialogue between wineries, HoReCa, distributors, as well as other interested parties.

About 150 leading Russian winemakers take part in the exhibition.

The product range of United Glass Factories LLC includes more than two dozen types of glass containers. The main products are bottles for champagne and sparkling wines, which in turn are of interest to other exhibitors.

Based on the results of the exhibition, it is planned to discuss future contracts.

It is also pleasant to realize that Russian winemaking is gaining momentum at full strength and will compete with international wine producers. By 2026, we expect a global increase in wine industry production.

The wine industry is also expected to grow in the northern regions of our country, and the main volume is planned to come from the southern regions of Russia, including Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory.

The Association "StekloSouz" of Russia pays special attention to the development of glass container production. A glass bottle preserves the organoleptic properties of wine and is recyclable.

In accordance with the development program, the glass industry was able to more than double its own production of glass containers from 2000 to 2024 from 5.6 billion pieces. up to 15.2 billion units

In 2020, the glass industry was among the top five largest exporting industries.

The powerful growth in the production of glass containers is primarily due to the growing consumer demand for manufacturers of various agricultural products and drinks to package their products in glass containers that are safe for public health.

The program of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia until 2030 involves increasing the production of glass containers for various sectors of the national economy to 18 billion pieces. in year.

⦿ On November 21-22, 2024, at the 25th anniversary annual Forum “Glass and Modern Technologies - XXI” - the main annual industrial and educational event that brings together manufacturers and consumers in scientific and practical dialogue, the discussion of important issues in the development of the domestic glass industry will continue.

The decisions made will be sent by the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia to the Government of the Russian Federation to defend the interests of the glass industry.

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