A member of the StekloSouz Association became a resident of the Skolkovo Foundation

A member of the StekloSouz Association became a resident of the Skolkovo Foundation

On December 30, 2020, a member of the Association StekloSouz of Russia, Siberia Telematics LLC became a member of the Skolkovo Development and Commercialization Center Development Fund, a non-profit organization.

The Association StekloSouz of Russia congratulates Siberia Telematics LLC on joining the Skolkovo Foundation and is proud of its progressive colleagues!

Cooperation with the Skolkovo Foundation will accelerate the digital transformation of the glass industry in Russia, as well as attract significant state support funds for specific projects for the digitalization of enterprises of the StekloSouz members.

Press center "StekloSouz"

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