Association «StekloSouz». Meeting on providing glass factories with quality raw materials

Association «StekloSouz». Meeting on providing glass factories with quality raw materials

On January 25, 2021, a meeting was held at the "StekloSoyuz" Association of Russia to provide glass factories with high-quality raw materials.

Members of the StekloSouz Working Group, Pavel Gorshkov, Director of the Department of Glass Containers, and Andrei Gorin, Director of the Department of Flat Glass and Industrial Processing, spoke about the supply of soda ash plants to the plants.

The meeting was held with the participation of stakeholders.

The meeting was attended by Viktor Osipov, President of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia.

Decisions were made. One of the solutions is to work out the issue of creating the Scientific and Technical Center "Center for Research of Mineral Resources".

Press center "StekloSouz"

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