Association «StekloSouz» of Russia. Joint meetings with the administration of the International Industrial Academy

Association «StekloSouz» of Russia. Joint meetings with the administration of the International Industrial Academy

On May 16, joint meetings of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia (SSR) and the administration of the International Industrial Academy (IPA) were held.

Issues of additional professional education (DPE) of specialists at the academy in certain specialties were discussed, including ecology, industrial safety (including safety), economics, repair and maintenance of glass furnaces, product certification (TP), maintenance and repair of mold kits, etc.

Olga Ilyina, rector of the International Industrial Academy, announced a list of specialties that employees of glass factories will be able to train.

Viktor Budyaev, head of the Department of Engineering Support of the International Industrial Academy, spoke in detail about the organization of the educational process on the basis of the International Industrial Academy.

The meeting was attended by heads of committees and departments of the SSR.

Decisions were made to provide "StekloSouz" experts with the opportunity to study the training programs to coordinate the practical benefits of advanced training courses for managers and specialists in the glass industry.

The second round of negotiations took place on May 17, 2024 within the walls of the International Industrial Academy with a viewing of the classrooms where the training will take place.

Decisions were made as part of the meeting's work plan.

Viktor Osipov, President of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia, took part in the joint meeting. In his concluding remarks, he wished to find all the opportunities for successful training of glass factory personnel in the specialties necessary for harmonious development.

Press center of "StekloSouz"

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