Association «StekloSouz» of Russia. Raw Material Quality Improvement Meeting

Association  «StekloSouz» of Russia. Raw Material Quality Improvement Meeting

On October 25, 2020, a meeting on improving the quality of raw materials for glass factories was held at the "StekloSouz" Association of Russia.

Talakuev Nikolay, director of the department of technical regulation of "StekloSouz", reported on problematic issues.

As a result of the meeting, it was decided to create a test center at the StekloSouz Association (hereinafter referred to as the StekloSoyuz of Russia) in Russia.

Currently, the leaders of "StekloSouz" of Russia are formulating the requirements and legal status of this institute.

The meeting participants expressed confidence that the creation of the center will allow timely solving the issues of materials science for various types of glass products. And of course, it will affect the quality of glass for various sectors of the national economy.

The work must be completed in the first half of 2021.

The meeting was attended by Viktor Osipov, President of StekloSouz of Russia.

Press center "StekloSouz"

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