Altai authorities will help the investor with the transfer of land for the construction of a soda plant

Altai authorities will help the investor with the transfer of land for the construction of a soda plant

The Minister of Industry of the Territory Vyacheslav Khimochka called the project promising, but difficult to implement.

The authorities of the Altai Territory will help Siberian Soda Company LLC in the process of transferring a land plot for the construction of a soda ash plant in the Mikhailovsky District. This was announced on Thursday at the strategic session on the development of the chemical industry of the region by the Minister of Industry of the Territory Vyacheslav Khimochka.

Soda is one of the components in glass production. The Novosibirsk plant "Ekran" announced its intention to launch a soda plant in the Mikhailovsky district of the Altai Territory in 2021 and invest about 3 billion rubles in the project. However, the construction of the plant in Altai was never started due to the difficulties in transferring the land to the investor.

"The construction of a plant for the production of soda ash in the region is a promising project, but difficult to implement - there is no gas on the territory, the production of CO2 is needed. There is a very complicated mechanism for transferring land to an investor. However, the raw material base aims to help us implement the project. It will be implemented" said Himochka.

Director of LLC Siberian Soda Company Sergei Lukyantsev said that the project is being implemented in the interests of the customer - the largest Russian plant Siberian Glass.

"The land issue has been partially resolved - we are reaching the home stretch. I hope we will close the issue with land by the end of this year. The need for soda is obvious for different industries. The difficulty is that this is practically the border with Kazakhstan, the south-west of the region. We have been issued a license for the site until 2045. The balance stock of raw materials is about 1 million 670 thousand tons. Based on the planned productivity of the enterprise, the plant will be provided with raw materials for the period of validity of the license, "Lukyantsev said.

He noted that during the implementation of the project, about 70 highly productive jobs will be created in the working village of Malinovoye Ozero. In addition, the implementation of the project will increase the investment attractiveness of the region for the construction of glass container factories.

About the customer of the project

LLC "Siberian Glass" - an anchor resident of the industrial park "Screen" - specializes in the production of colorless and colored container glass and supplies products to the regions of Russia - from the Urals to the Far East, as well as to Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Mongolia.


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