Increasing production efficiency by 7-10% due to internal resources when introducing modern developments in the field of information technology

Increasing production efficiency by 7-10% due to internal resources when introducing modern developments in the field of information technology

For owners and managers of manufacturing enterprises at all times, the urgent issue was to obtain timely and reliable information about the effectiveness of the organization of the production process, about the movement of raw materials, the amount of losses and defects, and the reduction of the raw material balance. With the introduction of automated accounting programs at enterprises, there is an acute problem of distortion of information manually entered into accounting and management accounting systems. Often there is a situation that production and accounting exist in parallel disjoint universes.

Modern developments in the field of information technology and digitalization of production processes allow you to effectively manage the resources of the enterprise and solve these issues and problems.

The engineering company Sibir Telematika LLC (Novosibirsk) created a platform solution on the basis of the production site of Sibirsky Glass LLC LLC (Ekran factory) software and hardware complex “Conveyor” (hereinafter - PAK “Conveyor”), which allows creating a digital double of any production enterprise and its technological processes for 6-8 months. PAC “Conveyor” is based on an integrated approach for obtaining primary data directly from all automated process control systems from a composite workshop to palletizers. In a single database in real time, data are collected and analyzed on the movement of raw materials and finished products, losses and barges formed on each of the sections of the conveyor, as well as technological parameters of the equipment. All production information is available from a smartphone, tablet or computer anytime, anywhere.

The introduction of PAC “Conveyor” in conjunction with the adoption of organizational and incentive measures at the enterprise will lead to an increase in productivity and an increase in the yield of products by 3-5% relative to current values, which in turn will increase EBITDA by 7-10%.

In further publications, we will consider in detail the technical aspects of the implementation and operation of PAC "Conveyor" in glass manufacturing enterprises.

For questions regarding the implementation of digital technologies in enterprises, please contact the director of the department:

Demura Andrey Yuryevich,

Tel + 7-9139334444


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