Round table meeting in the All-Russian Popular Front

Round table meeting in the All-Russian Popular Front

The main topic of the meeting was the consideration of environmental issues: "Positive practices in the organization of waste recycling infrastructure."

The event was opened by the co-chairman of the central headquarters of the ONF Tsunaeva Elena Moiseevna.

In her report, she cited the conclusion of statistics that 10% of household waste is disposed of at recycling plants.

At the same time, the state has set the task to bring 60 percent of the garbage to recycling in a short time, currently 211 enterprises are operating in Russia using obsolete technology.

Regions inform that the tendency to decrease in processing of raw materials is planned.

She appealed to the meeting participants with a request to try to understand together what was going on in this area of ​​recycling. Where to get experience?

Advisor to the Director General of PPC "Russian Ecological Operator" Neverov Ildar Alievich said that the reform had taken place, 61 regions switched to separate garbage collection. He added that the percentage of collection varies, depending on the region, from 5 to 80%. The speaker drew the attention of the leaders of the State Duma to the need to harmonize the law, gave an example that there are more than 200 tautologies in the legislation.

In addition, he proposed to create a single information system, including the flow of money. It is necessary to create a financing system. Without funding, we will not build anything, he concluded his speech.

An interesting report was made by the leaders of JSC "Waste Management". Analysis and European practice show that in the EU countries refuse to solve the problem of waste, burning them, as it is expensive, but not the best way. Europe has made the choice to process recycled materials. Everything is recyclable, you can recycle 80% or more. Technology and world experience is. It is necessary to regulate this process in a single system. Without the support of the state do not. It is necessary to “pump” money into the emerging industry.

Patrin Artem Vladimirovich General Director of the Association of Nizhny Novgorod businessmen in the field of waste management, did not agree with the positions of opponents of incineration of household waste. He said that the garbage must be burned.

He approved the creation of eco-technology parks, but regional operators will not be able to engage in recycling. He requested that, with the support of state structures, it is necessary to develop a unified system. Currently, each region solves environmental issues independently.

The goal of the reform should be to destroy waste disposal. Objects for burial should not be. In order for the processing industry to appear, a lot has to be done Now 4 percent is processed, the remaining waste goes to landfills.

Many discussion participants expressed a desire to participate in various stages of the construction of the waste recycling industry.

But there are a lot of questions about the capacity utilization for waste processing into raw materials. Without a clear state regulation of this complex issue, investors in the industry will not come.

Osipov Viktor Ivanovich President of the Association StekloSouz of Russia formulated the main theses in the proposals:
- the law “On secondary raw materials” is required;
- currently open items for the reception of secondary raw materials, such as glass, and take by weight;
- at the same time to develop separate collection of household waste from the population;
- refuse to collect personal income tax and VAT, in the USSR such taxes were never charged.

In the Soviet Union, almost 100 percent of the glass went into re-melting.

Government needs to develop and approve motivation:
- for plants operating on secondary raw materials; - for investors;
- for collectors and processors;
- prohibit to export to landfills: glass, metal, paper, plastic and other recyclable waste.

The proposed measures will allow to move the issue from a dead center.

And investors will invest financial resources in the construction of factories for the processing of household waste into secondary raw materials for the reuse of various types of products, such as glass.

Until investors see that, in practice, the capacities of the new plants will be guaranteed to be loaded with raw materials from secondary waste, the issue of recycling will remain motionless.

Press Center of StekloSouz.

Round table meeting in the All-Russian Popular Front

The main topic of the meeting was the consideration of environmental issues: "Positive practices in the organization of waste recycling infrastructure."

The event was opened by the co-chairman of the central headquarters of the ONF Tsunaeva Elena Moiseevna.

In her report, she cited the conclusion of statistics that 10% of household waste is disposed of at recycling plants.

At the same time, the state has set the task to bring 60 percent of the garbage to recycling in a short time, currently 211 enterprises are operating in Russia using obsolete technology.

Regions inform that the tendency to decrease in processing of raw materials is planned.

She appealed to the meeting participants with a request to try to understand together what was going on in this area of ​​recycling. Where to get experience?

Advisor to the Director General of PPC "Russian Ecological Operator" Neverov Ildar Alievich said that the reform had taken place, 61 regions switched to separate garbage collection. He added that the percentage of collection varies, depending on the region, from 5 to 80%. The speaker drew the attention of the leaders of the State Duma to the need to harmonize the law, gave an example that there are more than 200 tautologies in the legislation.

In addition, he proposed to create a single information system, including the flow of money. It is necessary to create a financing system. Without funding, we will not build anything, he concluded his speech.

An interesting report was made by the leaders of JSC "Waste Management". Analysis and European practice show that in the EU countries refuse to solve the problem of waste, burning them, as it is expensive, but not the best way. Europe has made the choice to process recycled materials. Everything is recyclable, you can recycle 80% or more. Technology and world experience is. It is necessary to regulate this process in a single system. Without the support of the state do not. It is necessary to “pump” money into the emerging industry.

Patrin Artem Vladimirovich General Director of the Association of Nizhny Novgorod businessmen in the field of waste management, did not agree with the positions of opponents of incineration of household waste. He said that the garbage must be burned.

He approved the creation of eco-technology parks, but regional operators will not be able to engage in recycling. He requested that, with the support of state structures, it is necessary to develop a unified system. Currently, each region solves environmental issues independently.

The goal of the reform should be to destroy waste disposal. Objects for burial should not be. In order for the processing industry to appear, a lot has to be done Now 4 percent is processed, the remaining waste goes to landfills.

Many discussion participants expressed a desire to participate in various stages of the construction of the waste recycling industry.

But there are a lot of questions about the capacity utilization for waste processing into raw materials. Without a clear state regulation of this complex issue, investors in the industry will not come.

Osipov Viktor Ivanovich President of the Association StekloSouz of Russia formulated the main theses in the proposals:
- the law “On secondary raw materials” is required;
- currently open items for the reception of secondary raw materials, such as glass, and take by weight;
- at the same time to develop separate collection of household waste from the population;
- refuse to collect personal income tax and VAT, in the USSR such taxes were never charged.

In the Soviet Union, almost 100 percent of the glass went into re-melting.

Government needs to develop and approve motivation:
- for plants operating on secondary raw materials; - for investors;
- for collectors and processors;
- prohibit to export to landfills: glass, metal, paper, plastic and other recyclable waste.

The proposed measures will allow to move the issue from a dead center.

And investors will invest financial resources in the construction of factories for the processing of household waste into secondary raw materials for the reuse of various types of products, such as glass.

Until investors see that, in practice, the capacities of the new plants will be guaranteed to be loaded with raw materials from secondary waste, the issue of recycling will remain motionless.

Press Center of StekloSouz.

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