The bill on the abolition of personal income tax on the collection of cullet

The bill on the abolition of personal income tax on the collection of cullet

It is planned that in the second quarter, deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly will draft the Federal Law to be submitted for the approval procedure in the manner prescribed by law.

The experience of the cancellation of personal income tax on waste paper collection accepted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation showed that the economic effect from the work of this Federal Law is quite high and allowed to increase revenues to the consolidated budget additionally by hundreds of millions of rubles. And it is important that the collection of waste paper at times exceeded the previous volume, which formed before the introduction of amendments to the legislation.

As is known, the Association StekloSouz Russia is a member of the All-Russian Popular Front since 2011. Osipov Viktor Ivanovich, President of the Association StekloSouz of Russia, being an ONF expert, for many years systematically and reasonably raised the question of the abolition of personal income tax and VAT for the collection of cullet. Constantly, cited as an example the legal device for collecting secondary raw materials in the USSR, when there were no taxes and VAT.

At the same time, the results were astounding: in fact, 100 percent of the cullet was re-melted.

In general, during the Soviet period, secondary raw materials were processed on average up to 87 percent, and the products after processing went to the national economy.

At present, experts have submitted proposals to ONF and substantiated the creation of a roadmap of people"s control over the implementation of the national project “Ecology”.

Within the framework of this document, based on direct instructions, Presidential Decree No. 204 of May 7, 2018 “On the national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024 (hereinafter the Decree), the following objectives of the Decree were taken for special control:
● creation of an effective waste management system and other equally important decisions.

This task affects all citizens of Russia, the level of environmental safety of the environment is one of the most important indicators of the quality of life of the population, because directly related to the health and longevity of people.

The abolition of personal income tax will make it possible to increase the activity of the population in handing over cullet for remelting into new glass products for various sectors of the national economy.

At present, the Association of the StekloSouz of Russia, in accordance with the branch development program for the collection of cullet, has launched an initiative to organize specialized items in stores and courtyards using the vast experience gained in the socialist structure of the national economy.

With this initiative, Osipov V.I. President of the Association spoke at the Scientific and Technical Council of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, of which he is a member, in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and on various television channels.

The materials with the justification of the need to revive the collection of cullet according to this principle are located in various government bodies and the ONF.

The Presidium of the SSR Association expresses the hope that the implementation of the environmental program will make it possible to build in Russia until 2024 at least 5 enterprises for the production of raw materials from cullet for glass factories. Investors work with StekloSouz on a permanent basis and are ready to invest in the indicated projects with a guaranteed supply of broken glass of the planned capacities of the enterprises.

Currently, glass factories are buying imported raw materials from cullet in Belarus and Ukraine.

Belarus has a plant for the production of raw materials for glass plants with a capacity of 400 thousand tons. in year.

The “Ecology” expert platform of the All-Russian Popular Front in 2019, the StekloSouz of Russia Association, will systematically inform managers and specialists of the glass industry about the progress of planned work.

Press Center of StekloSouz.

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