Microelectronic Technologies Plant received a new Certificate for the IT-1-01 Non-Ferromagnetic Materials Thickness Gauge

Microelectronic Technologies Plant received a new Certificate for the IT-1-01 Non-Ferromagnetic Materials Thickness Gauge

Dear colleagues, we are publishing news about the member of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia, LLC "Microelectronic Technologies Plant":

It is a known fact that glass is a special material that requires careful quality control. Glass may look great visually, but it may have thickness variations, residual stress, microscopic chips and other defects that, when using a glass bottle or glass jar, can lead to the destruction or damage of these products.

One of the basic parameters of glass quality is its thickness, so that it is not thinner or thicker than the specified parameters, so that there is no thickness variation. To control this parameter at a glass factory or alcohol/food production, Russian enterprises have been using IT-1-01 Non-Ferromagnetic Material Thickness Gauges for 24 years.

Certificate SI IT-1-01 (open) .

IT-1-01 is a completely Russian development that has no analogues in our country and the CIS. The device has microprocessor control, its own software, a large color display, and is automated. All IT-1-01 undergo mandatory verification at the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Udmurt CSM" before shipment to the Client.

At the same time, in order for the verifications to take place without delays, it is necessary to provide for this process by law. As part of this process, by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated 10/31/2024 No. 2601, a new Certificate of Approval of the Type of Measuring Instruments No. 93662-24 was issued for IT-1-01. The certificate will be valid until 10/31/2029. Obtaining this state Certificate serves as confirmation of the demand and quality of the device.

All enterprises interested in quality control of the produced or used glass bottles or glass jars can contact ZMT LLC to purchase IT-1-01 by phone at + 7 (3412) 60-14-39 or by email at elizaroveo@axion.ru

⦿ The cost of IT-1-01 with a finger head is only 380,620 rubles. 80 kopecks, including VAT 20%.

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