Moscow hosted the Forum of Development Institutions

Moscow hosted the Forum of Development Institutions

The government of Russia, enhancing the role of development institutions in the implementation of national projects defined by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 204 dated May 7, 2018 (“May Decrees”), forms financial resources in state investment companies for implementing investment projects in the main segments of the state’s macroeconomics.

The event was held in the form of an open discussion platform, where various aspects of interaction between state development institutions and Russian companies were discussed in a dialogue mode.

The participants conducted a study - an analysis of the effectiveness of the use by companies of the Russian Federation of business support mechanisms through various funds. The delegates, analyzing the current state support measures, determined how project financing meets the expectations and needs of the business.

In the course of an open discussion of the activities of the funds and the effectiveness of measures, the most popular and accessible projects were identified, the directions taking into account the general situation of industry in Russia and taking into account regional peculiarities.

Special attention was paid to the support of Russian companies with export potential, with a view to their further development.

The forum participants expressed confidence that new approaches in the area of ​​business support for ensuring economic breakthrough and achieving national development goals will have fruitful consequences for Russia.

Presentations were made by: Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation; Maxim Oreshkin, Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation; Denis Manturov, Minister of Industry and Trade; Alexey Repik, President of Business Russia; Alexander Shokhin, President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs; Sergey Katyrin, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Rosnano Management Company Anatoly Chubais, Director General of the Russian Direct Investment Fund Kirill Dmitriev, Chairman of VEB.RF Igor Shuvalov, Co-Chairman of the Council of the Skolkovo Foundation Arkady Dvorkovich, Di Roman Petrutsa, Rector of the Industrial Development Fund; Andrei Slepnev, Director General of the Russian Export Center; Alexander Braverman, Member of the Board of Directors; CEO, SME Corporation, and other officials.

As you know, glass industry plants are actively involved in new innovative projects. Following the results of recent years, multi-billion financial resources were attracted from various investment state funds for the development of the industry.

Osipov Viktor Ivanovich, President of the Association StekloSouz of Russia, took part in an open discussion with information on the efficiency of using public funds. The forum participant from the glass industry was Nikolay Pavlovich Talakuev, Director of the Technical Regulation Department of the Glass Association of Russia.

Press Center of StekloSouz.

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