Increasing the share of high-tech civilian and dual-use products in defense enterprises

Increasing the share of high-tech civilian and dual-use products in defense enterprises

Earlier, Putin set the task: by 2025 to bring the share of the “citizen” to no less than 30 percent, by 2030 - to 50. Diversification will allow defense enterprises to prepare for the future reduction of the defense order, since the peak of the rearmament of the Russian Armed Forces will soon will be passed.

- Diversification of the defense industry is one of the strategic national objectives. The successful development of the entire Russian economy and, most importantly, ensuring the country"s defense and security in the long term directly depends on its successful solution. Because these capacities, even if they will not be used for the production of defense products, we still need them, it is undesirable to reduce them, the president said.

In North Ossetia, one of the most technologically advanced defense factories Baspic has already begun this year to implement a five-year investment plan for the production of civilian goods. According to the managers of the enterprise, the new direction of development correlates with the instructions of the President of Russia. Here, they expect to receive 1.3 billion rubles in support of the state for the implementation of an investment program called the Zvezda. For five years, the plant intends to increase its capacity almost tenfold and to master the production of several innovative products in microelectronics, which so far no one in Russia is doing. The volume of production should reach five billion rubles. For several years they were preparing for this breakthrough, in particular, being engaged in scientific developments.

Now "Baspik" produces complex microchannel plates (MCP) for night vision devices, which are also installed on tanks, attack helicopters, airplanes, in submarine periscopes and on other equipment, in particular, in space satellites. They also find application in medicine and other civil fields.

The investment program involves the release of several innovative products, including metal fiber plates for equipment that can "see" through walls, debris, rocks, and even "look through" human organs, and the image is of high quality. Such plates can be used not only in the defense sphere (for example, to detect enemy submarines at great depth), but also in rescue work (searching for people in mines) and in medicine (the image of human internal organs is clearer than with ultrasound).

Another innovative product of civilian use should be the so-called biochip. It allows you to make a rapid analysis of the state of human health in the study of a small amount of blood and plasma, to identify in the early stages of cancer, tuberculosis and HIV. This technology is widely used in the West, but is not yet common in Russia.

The plant plans to produce fiber for fiber optic cables (now Russian enterprises buy it in Germany and only then weave these cables from it) and fiber optic converters, which are widely used in microelectronics for current conversion.

- There are scientific developments, their development has been conducted for the last few years. We fully own these technologies, ”says Soslan Kulov, director of Baspiq. - But in order to start the serial production, you need to solve the issue of obtaining raw materials by our enterprise. We used to buy high-quality glass from the Izyum plant in Ukraine. Now he has suspended his work and, apparently, he will no longer cooperate with Russian enterprises. We purchased raw materials for work in the coming months. However, then there may be a problem. But there is a solution - the production of high-quality optical glass in North Ossetia. Moreover, almost everything needed for this is available in the republic. We have prepared a large-scale project and are now working hard to implement it. At the same time, we take into account that the production of such glass in North Ossetia is promising in terms of large-scale production, for example, for the manufacture of optical lenses that are currently being purchased abroad.

All production will be located in the private industrial park "Baspyk". For them, a special building with an area of ​​five thousand square meters has already been allocated on the territory of the enterprise. There will be not only production workshops, but also scientific laboratories, as well as centers for education and training.

PJSC "Neptune", which is located in Stavropol, is engaged in the production of control systems for technical means of vessels of surface and submarine fleets. Most of the products associated with the state defense order. The rearmament began in 2012, and already in 2015, the plant for the first time shipped products for more than one billion rubles.

However, the company is engaged in production and civilian products, although it accounts for only about 10 percent of the capacity. In addition to the manufacture of household appliances and some industrial apparatuses, such as incubators, grain crushers and juicers, the plant has mastered high-tech production.

So, "Neptune" began to create implantable titanium products for Russian medicine. According to the Russian patented technology, the plant makes one of the four parts of endoprostheses - hip joint implants.

According to the chief engineer of the plant, Vladimir Shevtsov, from June 2017, Neptune began to supply the owners of the patent with an integral element of the product - the endoprosthesis leg. Now the plant has developed a technology for the production of another part - a full-profile cup of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene. In the future, the enterprise will assemble the entire endoprosthesis.

“The plant is interested in increasing the output of high-tech products, which should be at least 17 percent of the total production by 2020,” Shevtsov explained.

As part of the state program of technological re-equipment of the defense industry, the company acquired the eight-axis OKUMA machining center. This complex will allow to produce titanium endoprostheses in one cycle. As noted by the Deputy Minister of Energy, Industry and Communications of the Stavropol Territory, Dmitry Makarkin, thanks to such equipment, Neptune has the opportunity to occupy a niche in high-tech industries.

Another defense company in Stavropol, JSC Elektroavtomatika, is engaged in the production of command and staff vehicles, special equipment for protecting state secrets and camouflage kits for the needs of the Russian army. However, the company, despite an official request from Rossiyskaya Gazeta, refused to comment on the diversification process. Nevertheless, the site of the plant says that for civil needs they produce welding and switchboard equipment, as well as electrical ionizers - air-gas cleaners.

In Dagestan, the largest enterprise of the military-industrial complex is the Dagdizel plant. As the representative of the company said, due to the deterioration of the technology park and the inability to compete in the market for the cost and technical characteristics of products, the share of civilian products here is very small. Now the defense order is about 95-97 percent of the total output. But here in the near future - to increase the share of civilian goods.

"The plant is completing the modernization of production facilities. Although a year ago we could not take up with full confidence in the development of new types of products, including civilian ones, due to the deterioration of the machine park and, accordingly, the lack of competitiveness of products. Now we are actively working with potential customers of new products. A gas generator unit and a modern diesel generator are being developed. Negotiations are being held with various enterprises on the localization of the production of components and parts for cars. tomobile and railway transport ", - said the representative of the company.

The Dagdizel plant is a specialized enterprise for the production of marine underwater weapons and the only serial manufacturer of electric torpedoes in Russia. Accordingly, the entire technological base is "sharpened" for the manufacture of these products.

"Due to the cyclical nature of the defense order and the need to diversify production, we are taking measures to produce competitive civilian products, and in the coming years its share will be significantly increased," the plant representative assured.

Now from the products of this nomenclature here do ship diesel units, industrial diesel engines, various types of valves and valves, pumps for hydraulic systems of mining machines and shearers. The plant produces construction (for the extraction of wall stones in quarries), agricultural (for cutting, harvesting and grinding grass, peeling, cleaning and grinding rice) and food processing (for beating confectionery mixes, kneading dough and making minced meat) machines.

"To obtain state support measures, the plant developed a business plan for the creation and production of a gas generator unit and an innovative diesel generator. In the coming days, relevant materials will be sent to the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade. The plant also plans to use the services of NPO Conversion," the company added.

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