Meeting on the problems of digital platforms in the Moscow Government

Meeting on the problems of digital platforms in the Moscow Government

The organizer of the event, important for the development of the modern economy, was Business Russia.

At the intersectoral meeting, issues were discussed on the formation of industrial and financial groups around domestic digital platforms with artificial intelligence.

The second session is devoted to the problems of business stability in the digital economy.

Not paid attention to the capitalization of business relations of Russian and foreign companies operating in Russia.

The report was made by the heads of relevant ministries, associations and big business.

In the speeches, there were alarming signals for the Government of the Russian Federation on the state of the Russian economy and the need to change the vector of development of the domestic industry and the protection of the domestic producer. They argued that the economy should be based on real hard money, not on numbers. Cyber ​​Wars will destroy digital money. The domestic banking system is vulnerable because located in the world coordinate system.

Unfortunately, to date there is no government program to re-establish an independent economy.

The future of Russia is seen only in the development of its own industry, which will allow to solve the main goal of the country: to create a solid independent ruble.

At present, the digital economy declared by the executive power cannot be such, since no economic basis.

The main contemporary task of state leaders is to swap economics and politics. Politics should depend on the economy, not economics on politics.

Andrei Yuryevich Bykov, Chairman of the Lobbying Committee of Delovaya Rossiya, said: “A deep analysis shows that the development of industry in the working conditions of the Tax Code, current VAT and lending rates are impossible. It is necessary for Russian business to create starting conditions equal to foreign companies. For these purposes it is necessary to use the experience of industrialized countries. The fact that the modern world economy is not secured by gold and foreign exchange reserves, but only in US dollars, will lead to further instability and may collapse at any moment. ”

In conclusion, Andrei Yuryevich said: “The world will return to hard money. Russia should be ready for this. It is necessary to introduce into circulation two currencies: internal and external. This must be done to protect the market. ”

Chairman of the Committee on the Digital Economy Andrei Alexandrovich Gribkov assured that despite certain risks, the future of the digital economy.
Many regions are interested in laboratory developments on this topic.
 However, he could not answer the question: “Will Russia be able to create its“ Alibaba ”and why Alisher Usmanov has teamed up with the Chinese business by creating the transnational company“ Alibaba-Amazon ”. As you know, Usmanov refused to create a global network in Russia.

The Chairman of the IT Technologies Committee assured the meeting participants that Russia has decent teams that are able to create digital platforms, if they are combined.
But the meeting participants expressed doubts about this program with questions: with what will Russia come to this digital platform? Industry does not develop.
According to the speaker, the creation of a system in the European Union on a logistics digital platform is currently being considered. Those. transport system for the market of goods, services, capital. Money allocated. There is potential.

However, the optimistic mood of the speaker was met ambiguously, recalling that they could not create such a system in Europe. Although only in England there are about a hundred thousand IT - Companies.

Andrey Pavlov, a member of the General Council of Business Russia, compared the activities of Alibaba, a multinational company of the People"s Republic of China, with Gazprom. “Alibaba” constantly develops its presence in the world market, creates and offers unique offers. He expressed doubts that Russia would be allowed to create a digital platform. Causes in an unstable economy in Russia. In such a situation, talking about the digital economy is not serious.

The meeting participants unanimously confirmed that all digital programs are not Russian. To rely on the domestic economy is necessary for something global, protected by the Russian government.

However, there is no possibility of "relying" on something real in the modern economy of the Russian Federation. In his report, Osipov V. I., President of the Association StekloSouz of Russia, said that it was necessary to revive the state management of the country"s economy, create a state export development program. To do this, it is necessary to consider the world market as a zone of their interests, to develop non-oil exports.

For this it is important to solve several problems:

- to develop the domestic industry;
- The Government of the Russian Federation to lobby the interests of the state in foreign markets;
- The government of the Russian Federation to remove barriers inside the country that do not allow exports to develop.

After solving the state tasks of developing the export-oriented industry at the level of the country"s macroeconomics, we will speak about the digital domestic platform.

Following the discussion, the meeting participants on the formation of domestic digital platforms decided to summarize all the proposals and send the material to the Executive authorities of the Russian Federation.

Press Center "StekloSouz".

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