Господдержка предприятий-производителей строительных материалов
On February 3, 2021, a meeting on problematic issues in the production of glass containers was held at the "StekloSouz" Association of Russia (hereinafter SSR).
Pavel Alexandrovich Gorshkov, Director of the Department of Glass Containers, made a presentation.
The meeting was chaired by Viktor Osipov, President of StekloSouz. Opening the planned event, he said that there was a decline in consumption in the packaging consumption market. This circumstance requires the heads of glass factories to search for internal reserves, including the optimization of labor resources, energy savings through the introduction of new technologies at all technological stages of production. Viktor Ivanovich paid special attention to the introduction of digital management technologies:
"By improving the glass making process, we will be able to achieve high results not only in product quality, but also to be a highly competitive segment of the glass industry."
Pavel Aleksandrovich Gorshkov reported that the position of "StekloSouz" on extended producer responsibility (EPR), after long discussions in the Ministry of Natural Resources, was heard by the Government. As for the attempts at innovations for the glass container segment through the draft Federal Law on combating counterfeit goods, the State Duma and the Federation Council agreed with the arguments of the SSR set forth in the Experts' Conclusions.
Currently, there is only one requirement: to put a sign - marking the manufacturer's plant. However, factories put the specified mark on glass containers in accordance with the requirements. At the moment, "StekloSoyuz" is seeking the creation of a Federal Register of Designations, where glass container manufacturers will enter information about their existing registered trademarks, which currently identify each manufactured glass container unit. The manufacturer of alcoholic beverages must put on the labels all additional information about the alcoholic product.
The heads of glass factories and the Technical Committee - 074 (Sergeeva L.S.) took an active part in this work.
P.A. Gorshkov asked glass-container factories to treat the developed GOSTs more responsibly.
At present, Pavel Aleksandrovich emphasized, a lot of work is being completed on the abolition of personal income tax. A federal law coordinated with the State Duma is being prepared. All types of work carried out are aimed at improving the profitability of factories. Including work with the FAS Russia on antimonopoly policy with producers of energy and soda.
The meeting participants made decisions, including a recommendation for the department to work more closely with the Russian Export Center to compensate for the costs of export products.
Press center "StekloSouz"