Resource ONF «Landfill Map» begins to work as a "Map of garbage sites"

Resource ONF «Landfill Map» begins to work as a

"We are asking people in Russia to mark on the map those places where garbage reform has stalled. If the garbage containers in your yard are full, then take a photo of it and send it to our website. We need objective and real information about how regional operators work, ”explained the ONF expert.

On the landfill map, which is essentially a “single window”, any person can leave a note about the problem object by sending a photo and filling out a simple form. “After that, our activists go to the site, check the information, and if it is confirmed, the All-Russian Popular Front initiates the elimination of the identified landfill. It can be both prepared appeals to the authorities, and the holding of environmental actions-subbotniki ", - said Mironov.

Also, data received from residents are sent to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia.

The landfill site ONP General Cleanup map has been operating since January 2017. Since the launch, thousands of unauthorized landfill reports have been made available to the online resource. “If we talk about efficiency, here are three figures: the portal received 24,117 hits, and by their results more than 12,000 were eliminated. This means that the problem was solved for each second treatment. The rest of the work is still underway, ”an ONF expert said.

As is known, the Association StekloSouz of Russia (hereinafter SSR) is a member of the All-Russian Popular Front (hereinafter ONF), since 2011.

In recent years, SSR experts have been working on a regular basis with ONF on environmental issues, including the organization of the processing of secondary raw materials from cullet for glass factories. At the same time, a great deal of work is being done on rationing the Ecological collection.

Osipov Viktor Ivanovich President of the Russian StekloSouz Association is a member of the ONF Expert Council on Environmental Issues.

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