ONF called 20 «muddy» reg-operators

ONF called 20 «muddy» reg-operators

According to the analysis of bidding conducted by the ONF experts, it turned out that a number of regional operators for waste management have 0 employees in the state, the authorized capital is from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles, and there is no profit for 2017 (official data for 2017 with which companies participated in competitive procedures).

According to the analysis of data on the average number of employees of 142 operators, it was revealed that 5 (4%) regional operators lacked employees, 15 (11%) regional operators (15 service areas) have only 1 employee. Given this information, ONF called on the governors to carefully assess the ability of such companies to cope with their commitments and, possibly, decide to hold new contests.

“We have chosen 20 operators who, for example, have a minimum share capital of 10 thousand rubles, zero or one person in the state, and there is no profit for the previous period. These are firms that were created under the "garbage reform". They signed contracts, but how without experience, the right staff they will work, communicate with people and conduct a communication campaign is unclear. We have big doubts. If bankruptcy comes, these companies simply will not be able to meet their obligations. In most of the regions, regoperators are defined, of course, of different scale, but capable of carrying out work, this is a responsible position. However, because of these, as the president said, “muddy” companies, the entire reform may be discredited. We expect that the governors will pay close attention to such reg-operators. We will monitor their work during the raids, ”said Mikhail Ravozhaev, head of the ONF Executive Committee.

Also, the Popular Front will appeal to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation with a request to deal with double payments in 36 cities of the country. ONF experts analyzed the real bills from 76 regions of the country and found that in 36 cities, despite the requirement of legislation, the payment for the export of MSW was not excluded from the housing payment graph. The cost of housing services in January 2019 compared with 2018 remained unchanged or increased. This suggests that people pay for garbage collection twice.

“The tariff has risen, but in 36 cities we found out in the bills that the housing service, in which the garbage payment was previously included, has not decreased, while the new communal tariff for garbage collection has appeared. It turns out that people probably pay twice for one service. We will send these documents and bills to the General Prosecutor’s Office today in order to pass inspections in these regions. It is necessary to understand whether there have been decisions made by people to save this money in a housing service and direct it to some other needs. If not, then it is double payment, which is unacceptable, ”said Razvozhaev.

Following the report, ONF also sent a number of proposals to the Russian government. In particular, public activists insist on amending federal law No. 89-FZ, fixing the responsibility for arranging and maintaining container sites for regional operators. Thus, the problem with the “showcase” of “garbage reform” will be solved; the regoperator will be responsible for working with garbage from the first to the last mile. In addition, social activists are asking the government of the Russian Federation to prepare and conduct a transition in rural areas to the tariff for handling MSW, based on the actual volume of consumption of the service.

“In a month, 4,000 calls were received on the ONF 24-hour hotline. People’s questions were reflected in the report that we prepared and sent to the president and the government. Citizens are most concerned about two topics. Poor condition of container sites on the background of increasing cost. We believe that it is necessary to transfer responsibility for the container sites to the operators so that there is no fuss between the operators and management companies about who should clean them and put them in order. The second topic that concerns people is garbage collection from the countryside. People in the village objectively produce less waste requiring treatment, and they talk about the need to revise the tariff, which should be calculated on the fact of accumulation. Yes, this is a rather complicated technological job, but it must be done, because people convincingly prove that today the tariff for the countryside is unfair, ”concluded Razvozhaev.

20 "muddy" reg-operators

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