ONF will send to the Ministry of Natural Resources proposals for the development of the waste recycling industry in Russia

ONF will send to the Ministry of Natural Resources proposals for the development of the waste recycling industry in Russia

Elena Tsunaeva, co-chairman of the Central Headquarters of the Popular Front, head of the Ecology thematic platform, noted that the numbers in the waste processing infrastructure are disappointing: “According to 2017, only 10% of the total MSW that goes to landfills and recycling goes to waste disposal plants. Between 2010 and 2017, exports to these plants decreased by 13%. This should not be so, and the President repeatedly said in his speeches that we need to form a civilized, secure system for handling and processing waste. That is why in the national project “Ecology” such ambitious goals were set: to increase recycling by 20% ”.

Tsunaeva added that at the moment there are 211 waste processing enterprises of various specializations. “There is a lot of talk about the fact that they have outdated technologies, according to some analysts, they are not loaded enough, others say that raw materials are an overabundance. We decided to see what is good in this direction in our country and what specifically can be replicated as a positive experience and adopted by different regions, ”Tsunaeva told the round table participants.

Advisor to the Director General of the Russian Ecological Operator, PPC, Ildar Neverov, believes that one of the most pressing issues is the lack of money in the garbage industry, which affects the state and possibilities of building processing infrastructure. Neverov explained that money can be found, for example, at the expense of environmental collection and attracting foreign investment.

Yevgeny Barzykin, General Director of Resource Saving of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area, LLC, called for the development of waste recycling through the creation of large centralized inter-municipal ecoparks, which should combine waste sorting and processing facilities. In his opinion, concession agreements are the most optimal mechanism for the development of processing. Barzykin stressed that recycling should be supported by the state and there should be an order for this activity.

When asked by the head of the ONF Executive Committee, Mikhail Razvozhaev, whether the RDF-fuel obtained from waste is inferior to traditional types of fuel, Barzykin answered that it can withstand competition with them, especially in the northern regions of Russia.

Executive Director of SRO “Association“ Waste Paper Recyclers" Association ”Alexey Sergeev told about the trends in waste paper recycling:“ The industry has been developing very actively in the last decade. Already established more than 80 factories recycling waste paper. Over the past 17 years, the industry has grown 10 times, and its capacity is even more significant - 13 times. ” According to him, it is necessary to involve the population in the circulation of waste paper, and the Popular Front can play an important role here. An example is the environmental action "Molodezhki ONF" on the collection of waste paper # Save.

According to experts, it is necessary to create specialized, equipped collection points for waste paper, and not receivers in the yards, since during transportation in garbage trucks it comes to a state that is not suitable for recycling.

Artem Sedov, General Director of Bolshaya Troika LLC, drew attention to the problems of territorial waste management schemes, which are associated with the high cost of waste transportation. “At a distance of up to 40 kilometers from the settlement, the average cost of transporting garbage costs for a person every month in the amount of 28 to 34 rubles, if transported for 60 kilometers is 42 rubles, for 80 kilometers it is 56 rubles. And we know cases when transportation takes place over a distance of 180 kilometers, ”he noted.

Sedov stressed that this problem should be solved at the federal level, overcoming interregional barriers that actually block the cost-effective transportation of garbage to neighboring regions. The federal waste management scheme will allow a rational assessment of where there is an urgent need for processing plants, how much power they must possess and what processing technology to use.

Ruslan Gubaidullin, executive director of the Association of Organizations, Operators and Specialists in Waste Management, asked the Popular Front to hold a platform where experts discussed the myths and stereotypes of the waste management industry: “We need to invite more journalists to dispel the myths about the separate collection. There is something to tell. ”

In conclusion, Mikhail Razvozhaev said that if people pay money for the MSW management service, they should see the result of the quality work of the regional operator: “The tariff has risen, and people ask logical questions about what has changed for this money. And it is interesting that even in the Nizhny Novgorod region and a number of other regions that have set a rather high tariff today, we hear from people much less complaints. Because there the reg-operator just understands the importance of interaction with people and immediately demonstrates the quality of work. And there, where the tariff is lower, but nothing happens at all, except mythical conversations, that now something is being sorted, then, accordingly, people have the most questions. ”

The head of the ONF Executive Committee added that the citizens of the country are already ready for separate waste collection. At the same time, regional operators should become the conductors of this approach.

“It is clear that people are even psychologically ready for separate collection of waste. I personally believe that all of this ideology must first be transmitted to the reg-operators. Because it doesn’t happen that the municipality is responsible for one thing, regoperators are responsible for the subsequent work. And the result is what we see now - a large number of questions. And the tariff that is being formed cannot now include all the costs of the business. That"s for sure. People need to understand exactly how the quality of service changes. The quality of the work of regoperators is also important for people to be satisfied with this reform, ”concluded Razvozhaev.

As is known, the Association StekloSouz of Russia (hereinafter SSR) is a member of the All-Russian Popular Front (hereinafter ONF), since 2011.

In recent years, SSR experts have been working on a regular basis with ONF on environmental issues, including the organization of the processing of recycled materials from cullet for glass factories. At the same time, a great deal of work is being done on rationing the Environmental Collection.

Osipov Viktor Ivanovich President of the Association of the StekloSouz of Russia is a member of the ONF Expert Council on Environmental Issues.

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