The themes of the Russian Investment Forum in Sochi are announced

The themes of the Russian Investment Forum in Sochi are announced

The participants of the session “National Projects and Regions: Main Issues at the Beginning of the Road” will examine the distribution of powers between central and regional authorities and the organization of control over the implementation of targets, as well as assess the financial situation in the regions and their ability to implement national projects on an individual schedule at their own expense. Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova will take part in the session.

In addition, at the forum the governors of the regions will discuss the final version of the spatial development strategy up to 2025 agreed by the Russian government. The purpose of the document is to identify competitive advantages and promising specializations of the Russian regions, as well as ways to realize the potential of each part of the country. As Deputy Prime Minister Vitaly Mutko explained, the document attaches great importance to both urban agglomerations and the development of rural areas. One of the main directions of the strategy is the increase in the stability of the settlement system, the level of development of the economy and the social sphere.

In addition, the event will take stock of the competition of best practices and initiatives of the socio-economic development of the regions of Russia and the award ceremony. The Board of Trustees of the competition was headed by Deputy Prime Minister Vitaly Mutko. According to him, such competitions have a multiplier effect, this practice is being introduced in 55 subjects.

According to the Sochi-2019 Organizing Committee, the number of registered participants at the Russian Investment Forum in 2019 was one and a half times higher than last year, when more than 6 thousand representatives from 64 countries attended the event. At the same time, the geography of foreign participation has more than doubled. The forum will be attended by representatives of Russian companies, including Lukoil, Gazprom and Russian Railways.

About 4 thousand rooms in the hotels of the coastal zone and the mountain cluster have been booked for guests. All accommodation facilities were examined for anti-terrorism protection, monitoring of the sanitary and epidemiological situation was organized.

In addition, on February 14, within the framework of the cultural program of the forum, a gala concert of the All-Russian Symphony Youth Orchestra conducted by Yuri Bashmet at the Winter Theater will be held.


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