ONF activists in Moscow launched monitoring of hazardous waste management

ONF activists in Moscow launched monitoring of hazardous waste management

Anyone can take part in it. The obtained results will be analyzed and sent by activists and experts of the Popular Front to the Department of Environmental Management and Environmental Protection of the city of Moscow, as well as to the municipal authorities of the districts and districts of the capital.

"According to the Department of Environmental Management and Environmental Protection of the city of Moscow, the total consumption of chemical current sources in the capital is about 5.1 thousand tons per year, and this corresponds to 232 million units of batteries and batteries," said a member of the Moscow headquarters of ONF, coordinator of the Popular Front project "General cleaning" in Moscow Natalya Rosina. “This type of waste, along with energy-saving lamps and mercury thermometers, outdated electronics and faulty household appliances, expired drugs and paintwork residues, requires separate collection and recycling.”

In our country, according to Rosina, many people are used to throwing hazardous waste into garbage cans: “Together with household garbage and food waste, toxic substances end up in landfill sites and as a result of corrosion they release into the environment heavy metals and hazardous decomposition products: lead salts , cadmium, manganese and zinc, mercury vapors, acids and alkalis. When entering the soil, toxic compounds enter the groundwater and atmosphere, which ultimately leads to a deterioration in the ecology of Moscow. ”

In particular, the Moscow ONF activists began to monitor the work of the existing mercury lamp receiving points. They conduct raids at reception sites and try to recycle mercury lamps and thermometers, which have served their time.

“The first results of the monitoring showed disappointing results,” Rosina emphasized. - At many points, there is no record of the acceptance and shipment of mercury lamps, there are no logs. Receivers are not instructed about the rules for handling hazardous waste and do not know what actions should be taken if at least one lamp breaks. The equipment of the points with demercurization kits leaves much to be desired, as well as the presence of stands with information on hazardous waste collection sites. ”

Anyone can take part in the monitoring. All that is required is to find the collection point closest to your home or work, put the batteries and mercury lamps with thermometers into separate boxes and bring them there, Rosina said.

Reports the press service of the ONF

As is known, the Association StekloSouz of Russia (hereinafter SSR) is a member of the All-Russian Popular Front (hereinafter ONF), since 2011.

In recent years, SSR experts have been working on a regular basis with ONF on environmental issues, including the organization of the processing of secondary raw materials from cullet for glass factories. At the same time, a great deal of work is being done on rationing the Ecological collection.

Osipov Viktor Ivanovich President of the Russian StekloSouz Association is a member of the ONF Expert Council on Environmental Issues.

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