Association StekloSouz of Russia at the international exhibition «PACKING 2019»

Association StekloSouz of Russia at the international exhibition «PACKING 2019»

From January 29 to February 1, 2019, the key event in the world of packaging technologies, materials and finished packaging was held at the Expocenter exhibition complex: “The 27th international specialized exhibition of packaging technologies. Recycling, packaging, printing.

Over the course of four days, actions took place in the exhibition halls, which allowed the participants of the exhibition forum to adequately present the full range of activities carried out by exhibiting companies and clearly show all types of packaging, the possibilities of packaging production equipment, as well as equipment for filling and bottling various types of goods into finished products. to use tara.

Throughout the exhibition, visitors were presented with a Business Program covering a wide range of issues in the packaging industry, from personnel training and professional development to professionals working in the production and consumption of packaging materials to the problems of recycling and reuse of packaging that has lost its consumer properties. Scientific conferences, seminars and round tables took place in several conference halls.

At the International Exhibition, in addition to manufacturers of packaging, equipment and related industries offering finished products, the collective stands of Industry Associations, Unions, and Non-Profit Associations worked. Higher education institutions were very well represented.

The Association StekloSouz of Russia, together with glass factories for over ten years, has been a regular participant of the International Exhibition “Packaging”, traditionally presenting at the event packaging products made of glass produced by glass melting plants of Russia: glass packaging for the food, chemical and medical industry.

In 2019, the collective stand of StekloSouz once again demonstrated to consumers the possibilities of modern Russian glass container plants, offering consumers high-quality glass packaging that meets all the requirements of the world market.

The products of the factories of TPG Glass Decor LLC, Svet JSC, Krasnoe Ekho LLC, Rusjam Steklotara Holding, LLC, Severnaya Glass Container Company, ChSZ-Lipetsk LLC, Aleksin Glass Factory ", JSC" Balakhninskoe glass ", LLC" Glass Market ", LLC" Petersburg Glass, JSC "Medsteklo", JSC "Centermedglass". The production of glass container enterprises caused commercial interest among consumers in the countries of near and far abroad. Following the exhibition, business contacts with consumers from different countries were established.

Traditionally, by a joint decision of the presidium of the Association and plant managers after the exhibition was completed, the exhibits were provided for free to representatives of Russian higher and secondary educational institutions to study the qualities and design of modern glass packaging, as well as the possibilities of modern decoration. The leaders of the Association of Glass Containers of the Association and Glass Container Plants of Russia are confident that the samples obtained will help students studying in the field of packaging production and packaging design after graduating from an educational institution to replenish the ranks of specialists in glass factories.

The post-release of the International Exhibition will be published.
Press Center of StekloSouz.

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