
Презентация книги «Цветное стекло - моё вдохновение»
The presentation of the book "Colored glass - my inspiration" took place in the exhibition hall of the Crystal Museum named after Maltsov. Its author Valentina Fedorova is a unique person, a famous scientist in the field of industrial and artistic glass, a candidate of technical sciences.
Ростех испытал российское остекление для МС-21
The Obninsk Research and Production Enterprise "Technology" named after A.G. Romashin of the Rostec State Corporation has successfully tested the strength of the new glazing of the MS-21 cockpit. The completely Russian product withstood a bird strike at a speed of over 600 km/h. This is one of the stages of additional certification of the aircraft.
Приём заявок на обучение или повышение квалификации специалистов стеклотарных заводов
Dear colleagues! To draw up a plan and programs for training or advanced training of glass container plant employees for 2025, it is necessary to send applications indicating the profession and number of people to the Scientific and Technical Center "StekloSouz" of Russia by e-mail:
Поздравляем С Днём Рождения!
​The Association "StekloSouz" of Russia congratulates the following on their birthday: 12/07/2024 Yuri Filchakov (State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Gusev Glass College" named after G.F. Chekhlov)! Gennady Bugrov ("Russian Glass Company")! 12/08/2024 Venera abolina (StekloSouz LLC)!
Антон Мор: «В России появляются импортозамещающие решения для стеклотарных заводов»
Октябрь 2024. Производство строительных материалов продолжает увеличиваться
In October 2024, the production of building materials in monetary terms increased by 9.1 percent compared to October 2023 (there was a greater increase only in February 2024 - 9.3 percent compared to February 2023). For the period from January to October 2024, the increase was 5.3 percent in comparable prices.
Лыткаринский завод оптического стекла демонстрирует разработки в Москве
The Russian Healthcare Week 2024 Forum and Exhibition opened at the Expocentre Fairgrounds in Moscow. For over 50 years, it has been bringing together scientists, specialists, and innovative developments in the field of medicine and healthcare.
Статья о деятельности  Ассоциации «СтеклоСоюз» России в отраслевом журнале Glass Russia
Dear colleagues! On the eve of the 25th annual international Forum "Glass and Modern Technologies - XXI", which was held on November 21-22, 2024 in Gus-Khrustalny (State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Gus Glass College" named after G.F. Chekhlov), an article about the activities of the Association “StekloSouz” of Russia to solve modern problems of the glass industry was published in the industry magazine Glass Russia. We publish this article for your information.
Heineken будет перерабатывать большую часть использованной стеклотары в Бразилии
Heineken could take over the recycling of most glass containers in Brazil. The company has opened a glass recycling plant in the state of Pernambuco.
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