
Ассоциация «СтеклоСоюз» России. Консультации в Минприроды России
​On July 5, 2024, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation held joint scheduled consultations with the leadership of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia on organizing separate collection of cullet in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and solving serious problems experienced by glass factories when preparing packages of documents for inclusion in the federal register of recyclers.
Поздравляем С Днём Рождения!
The Association "StekloSouz" of Russia congratulates Gennady Tveritinov (Ural Glass Factories OJSC) on his birthday!
Правительство упростило порядок размещения контейнеров для твердых коммунальных отходов
It will become easier for municipalities to install container sites for the accumulation of solid municipal waste for the needs of residents of apartment buildings and owners of summer cottages.
Ассоциация «СтеклоСоюз» России. Участие в работе Евразийского интеграционного Форума «Стратегия опережающего развития» и Международной научно-практической конференции «Экологическое машиностроение»
On July 3, 2024, the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia (hereinafter referred to as SSR) took part in the Eurasian Integration Forum “Strategy of Advanced Development” and the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Environmental Engineering”. At this large-scale event, the SSR was represented by: ✔ Viktor Osipov, President of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia ✔ heads of specialized committees and departments of the SSR
Поздравляем С Днём Рождения!
The Association "StekloSouz" of Russia congratulates Vladimir Yakovlevich Dzyuzer (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Equipment and Automation of Silicate Production at UrFU) on his birthday!
Проект «Год Менделеева»
Dear Colleagues! As part of the implementation of the decision of the heads of glass factories at the Forum “Glass and Modern Technologies - XXI” dated December 14, 2023, including on the organization of additional professional education, the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia (SSR), together with interested industry experts, is preparing training programs for additional professional education.
III декада, июнь 2024. Динамика рынка ж/д отгрузок стекла
The shipment of glass by rail to the Russian market (domestic supplies + imports) in the third decade of June 2024 continued to exhibit negative dynamics relative to the same period last year – minus 4.9 percent. The shipment volume amounted to 1.5 million square meters. m.
Совещание в Минприроды России по вопросам РОП и раздельного сбора вторичных ресурсов
On July 3, 2024, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation held a meeting on extended producer responsibility (EPR) and separate collection of secondary resources.
Программа Национального Объединенного Совета предприятий стекольной промышленности «СтеклоСоюз» «Развитие стекольной промышленности России на период 2024 - 2030 годы»
Dear Colleagues! We are publishing an interview with Viktor Ivanovich Osipov, President of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia for the magazine “ECORECYCLING” of the Interregional Industrial Corporation “ECORECYCLING”.
На Дону построят завод по производству изделий из боросиликатного стекла
Alfa Pharm Glass LLC will build a plant in the Rostov region for the production of medical borosilicate glass products. The corresponding agreement was signed at the international industrial exhibition “Innoprom-2024” by the project manager of Alfa Farm Glass LLC, Konstantin Nikulnikov, and the deputy governor of the region, Igor Sorokin, the press service of the Don government reported.
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