
Ученые заставили стекло регенерировать под действием радиации
American scientists from the University of Central Florida have developed a specialized chalcogenide glass that can regenerate under radiation. The study was published in the scientific journal Materials Research Society Bulletin (MRS Bulletin).
«Астраханское стекловолокно» наращивает мощности производства благодаря господдержке
PJSC Astrakhan Glass Fiber is the only plant in Russia that produces micron-level fiberglass fabrics. It has been operating in the Astrakhan Region for over 60 years. This was reported by the region's governor Igor Babushkin in his Telegram channel.
Член Ассоциации «СтеклоСоюз» России на всероссийской выставке вина «Виноиндустрия»
Dear Colleagues! During the period from July 23 to 25 in St. Petersburg, a member of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia - United Glass Factories LLC - takes part in the All-Russian wine exhibition "Wine Industry".
Саратовская и турецкая компании будут сотрудничать по производству экспериментальных изделий из стекла
Companies from the region took part in a business mission to Turkey (Istanbul). Its goal was to develop trade and economic ties between entrepreneurs of the Saratov region and Turkey and conclude export contracts.
В России создали особо чистые стекла для оптики и фотоники
Particularly pure tellurite glasses for optics and photonics were created by scientists from Nizhny Novgorod State University. Lobachevsky. According to the authors of the development, the resulting new materials have unique properties and will be widely used in various fields of science and technology, for example, for the manufacture of lasers, optical amplifiers and filters. The study results were published in Inorganic Chemistry Communications.
Разработан новый метод 3D-печати объектов из кварцевого стекла размером от миллиметров до сантиметров
The Austrian company UpNano has developed a new method for 3D printing objects from quartz glass. This solution allows you to create high-precision parts ranging in size from millimeters to centimeters.
The Elizovo branch of OJSC Grodno Glass Factory has implemented a large investment project to create a line for deep processing of cullet, which is a valuable secondary raw material. The commissioning of this facility, the construction of which was under the constant control of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus, as well as the sectoral republican ministry, became a landmark event not only for the Belarusian, but also for the Russian glass industry.
Поздравляем С Днём Рождения!
​The Association "StekloSouz" of Russia congratulates Oleg Meleshkin (OgneuporEnergoHolding) on his birthday!
Открытие российско-узбекского предприятия запланировано на август-сентябрь 2024 года
Work on the creation of the Russian-Uzbek enterprise “Asadbek Glass Fiber” (LLC “Asadbek Glass Fiber”), specializing in the production of staged textile fiberglass, is being completed.
I декада, июль 2024. Динамика рынка ж/д отгрузок стекла
According to preliminary estimates, the shipment of glass by rail to the Russian market (domestic supplies + imports) in the first ten days of July 2024 continued to show negative dynamics relative to the same period last year - minus 8.7 percent. The shipment volume amounted to 1.2 million sq. m.
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