
«Уникальная Россия» — 5-я юбилейная Художественно-промышленная выставка-форум
Dear colleagues! From January 23 to February 9, 2025, the "Unique Russia" exhibition is taking place in Gostiny Dvor in Moscow.
Вышел из печати журнал «Стекло и керамика» за январь 2025 года
Dear colleagues! Victor Osipov, President of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia, is a member of the editorial board of the Glass and Ceramics magazine. We inform you that the first issue of the monthly scientific and technical magazine Glass and Ceramics for 2025 has been published.
Обнинская «Технология» до 2026г поставит более 650 стекол для метропоездов
Поздравляем С Днём Рождения!
The Association "StekloSouz" of Russia congratulates Sergey Shevchenko (LLC Steklomashiny) on his birthday!
О разработке ГОСТ Р «Система защиты от фальсификации и контрафакта. Методы обеспечения и контроля аутентичности продукции и документов. Общие положения»
Dear colleagues! The Association "StekloSouz" of Russia received information from the Committee of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) on technical regulation that, as part of the implementation of the national standardization program, JSC "RT-Tekhpriemka" has prepared a draft of the first edition of the national standard "System of protection against counterfeiting and falsification. Methods of ensuring and monitoring the authenticity of products and documents. General provisions" (code PNS 1.2.124-1.012.23).
Предложения в План мониторинга правоприменения в Российской Федерации на 2026 год
​Dear colleagues! As you know, the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the RF CCI). Viktor Osipov, President of the "StekloSouz" of Russia, has been representing the interests of the glass industry in the system of this Russian voluntary non-governmental association of entrepreneurs for many years.
«Сибстекло» погасило сразу два выпуска ЦФА
The total amount of the payment for the redemption of two issues of digital financial assets (DFA) was 350 million rubles. Sibirskoye Steklo LLC (Sibsteklo, the largest manufacturer of glass containers in the Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts, an asset of RATM Holding) placed both issues in the spring of 2024 for nine months of circulation with a par value of 10,000 rubles at 18% per annum.
Инвестиционный проект строительства завода по изготовлению стеклотары с фирменной символикой
​Dear colleagues! We publish for your study an investment project for the construction of a plant for the production of glass containers with corporate symbols from LLC Steklomashiny (a member of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia).
Конгресс Совета ICG в Калькутте
Dear colleagues! Yesterday, January 21, 2025, the Congress of the Council of the International Commission on Glass (hereinafter referred to as ICG) was held in Calcutta. The Congress was held in a hybrid format: online and in person. The Association "StekloSouz" of Russia was represented at this world-class industry event by its President Viktor Osipov.
Экопромышленный парк построят на Ставрополье в 2025 году
A new eco-technopark will appear in Nevinnomyssk. It will be used to open a production facility for processing glass, plastic and polyethylene and producing products from recycled materials. This was reported by the government of Stavropol Krai.
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