Господдержка предприятий-производителей строительных материалов
In 2024, 80 companies were included in the register of waste disposal companies that passed the verification of documents and capacities carried out with the participation of specialists from the Russian Environmental Operator. The register was created as part of the update of the extended producer responsibility (EPR) mechanism. According to the EPR rules, companies must ensure the recycling of waste from their products themselves by ordering such a service from verified waste disposal companies or paying an eco-fee.
“In 2024, the register of waste disposal companies was launched. Direct contracts can only be concluded with these waste disposal companies from the register within the EPR system. There are currently 80 waste disposal companies in it. The number of companies in the register is not large yet, although we receive a sufficient number of applications. In fact, the Government has empowered the REO to jointly with Rosprirodnadzor check waste disposal companies - to assess the actual recycling capacity, the actual production of goods from waste or recyclable materials. Only after auditing the documents and visiting the site, we, together with Rosprirodnadzor, decide whether or not to include the waste disposal company in the register. And, unfortunately, not all companies were able to confirm their declared capacities during documentary and on-site inspections,” said Denis Butsaev, CEO of REO.
To help businesses, REO has developed a Product and Waste Code Converter. It helps with matching types of goods subject to recycling, types of waste, and types of products obtained from such waste that can be produced as a result of recycling.
REO and Rosprirodnadzor held seminars and webinars for interested parties, prepared recommendations on filling out the application and the content of the attached documents. This has significantly improved the quality of preparing documents for inclusion in the register,” said Igor Zabralov, Director of Sustainable Development at REO.
According to current legislation, processors can provide services to manufacturers and importers of goods to meet recycling standards within the framework of the EPR and provide relevant acts only from the moment of inclusion in the register.
Source: news.unipack.ru
For reference:
As part of the implementation of the decision of the heads of glass container factories dated January 16, 2024, the StekloSoyuz Association of Russia continues to work with the Government of the Russian Federation, relevant ministries and departments on the application of extended producer responsibility (EPR) for glass factories.
Including on the organization of separate collection of glass waste, recognition of glass factories as recyclers, tariffs, standards, VAT and other areas necessary for the development of secondary raw materials production.