The results of the meeting of the Working Group on industrial processing

The results of the meeting of the Working Group on industrial processing

Joint meeting of the StekloSouz of Russia Working Group

“Sheet glass. Industrial processing. Safe and fire-prevention glass ”and the Public Coordinating Council for the planning, development and implementation of regulatory documents on the subjects of Subcommittee PC 24“ Window, door and door blocks. Component parts and materials ”TK 465“ Construction ”

In the framework of the interaction between the StekloSouz of Russia and TC 465 "Construction" in the StekloSouz of Russia, chaired by Viktor Osipov, President of the StekloSouz, a scheduled joint meeting of the Glass Union of Russia "Flat Glass. Industrial processing. Safe and fire-prevention glass ”and the Public Coordinating Council for the planning, development and implementation of regulatory documents of Subcommittee PC 24“ Window, door and door blocks. Componentry and materials ”ТК 465“ Construction ”.

At a meeting of the Working Group, the problems of testing laboratories and certification bodies with accreditation were discussed in the context of toughening the requirements of the Federal Accreditation Service Rosacreditation. As well as the use of new materials based on glass.

An active discussion was caused by the report of manufacturers of high-tech glasses (smart glass, electrochromic, electric heating, with built-in LEDs, etc.). It was noted that Russian manufacturers launched the production of these types of products of the widest range at the level of leading world manufacturers. At the same time, the use of these types of products is constrained by the fact that consumers are little informed that such types of products are produced by domestic manufacturers. Most potential consumers consider such glasses rare and exotic. In fact, these are already quite common types of products that are produced by Russian enterprises that are not inferior in quality to foreign ones. It was decided to strengthen work with investors, architects, designers, developers and builders to expand the use of high-tech glasses.

Head of the Public Coordinating Council for the planning, development and implementation of regulatory documents of Subcommittee PC 24 “Window, door and door blocks. Component parts and materials ”TC 465“ Construction ”Vlasova T.V. reported on the ongoing work of the Public Council, plans for 2019 and the development of the most relevant GOSTs within the framework of the Subcommittee PC 24.

One of the main topics of the meeting was the discussion of preparations for the upcoming major industry events in the production and use of building materials, products and structures: the International Building Skin Russia Forum 2019 / Window Days in Russia and the International Exhibition BATIMAT Russia 2019. As part of the Business Programs, these are important for industry events The StekloSouz of Russia traditionally holds events relevant to the glass industry. Last year's event attracted a large number of participants. The unique opportunities presented by the Forum and the exhibition allow combining the interests of science, manufacturers of materials, products and structures based on glass, architects, designers, builders, business leaders, technologists and experts.

The head of the Working Group, the Director of the Glass Glass and Industrial Processing Department of StekloSoyuz, Andrey Evgenievich, reported on the progress in preparing upcoming events:

Section of the Glass Union of Russia “Translucent Structures. Past, Present and Future ”within the framework of the Business Program of the 3rd Forum of Building Skin Russia 2019 / Window Days in Russia, will be held on February 27;

Round table StekloSouz Russia “The use of glass in construction. Industrial processing of flat glass, technologies, equipment, components and materials ”within the framework of the Business program of the Batimat Russia International Building and Interior Exhibition, will be held on March 13.

Of the most important reports at upcoming events, the following topics should be noted:

“Implementation of Amendments No. 1 to SP50.13330.2012“ SNiP 23-02-2003 Thermal Protection of Buildings ”regarding translucent structures;

“Modern technologies and equipment for the installation of translucent structures”;

“The main problems of the market of translucent structures and development prospects”;

“Development and updating of regulatory documents governing the production and use of window structures”;

"The influence of departmental regulatory frameworks (Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergencies, Ministry of Health, etc.) on the use of glass in construction";

“Facade solutions - translucent structures based on high-tech glasses (smart glass, electrochromic, electrically heated, with built-in LEDs, triplex jumbo format, triplex with metal mesh)”;

“Modern window structures. Requirements and development prospects ”;

"The main directions of development of the window market of Russia";

“Production and use of heat-insulating materials based on foam glass”;

"Problems of testing and certification of products in laboratories and test centers, taking into account the requirements of the Federal Accreditation Service."

We invite everyone to take part in the events organized by the StekloSouz.

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