Council Tasks


On behalf of the United National Council of the glass industry enterprises "Steklosoiuz" we welcome the representatives of the branch enterprises and accessories, members and guests of the internet-portal. "Steklosoiuz", which has been established by the resolution of more than 140 glass enterprises, now holds a systematic activity on coordination of innovational, informational, marketing , educational, expositional and other programs, directed to the solution of the actual problems, the branch enterprises are facing with.
Among the urgent tasks of "Steklosoiuz" there are the following:

  • The representation and protection of the interests of the enterprises - members of the Council in the federal and regional authorities , in the mass-media, creating favorable conditions the attraction of investments.
  • Helping forward and coordinating of the suggestions, made by the members of the Council, as well as in the external economic activity. Making contracts with foreign partners, technical co-operation, export development.
  • Making the common information data base on the glass industry, publishing the catalogue of the investment projects, holding investment competitions.
  • Taking part in carrying out tender commissions on the stare and regional orders for the structural and industrial glass deliveries.
  • Organizing congresses, symposiums, conferences, advertising campaigns according to the Council character, continually functioning expositions of the production of the Council members and collective stands at the large-scale traditional expositions, as well as the international ones.
  • Branch control of the production quality, quality certification and standardization with the consideration of the international standards.
  • Creating financial and industrial groups.
  • Financing and coordinating research work and experemental designers work of the branch value, first in the sphere of ecology, safe labour in the glass making.
  • Legal, judicial and arbitral defence of the Council members. Arbitration court with the consent of the parties.
  • Support of the Council members in settling disputes on taxation.
  • Support of the educational establishments, training specialists for the glass industry, making a data base on the specialists and help in their employment.
  • Concern for the branch pensioners.
    We are sure, that our mutual co-operation will be of great use for the glass industry of our country.

The President of "Steklosoiuz",
the corresponding member of Russian Academy of quality problems V.I.Osipov.

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