
The layer of bubbles on the surface of the glass

Foam glass

Foam glass is a lightweight porous, molded glass material that is a hardened glass foam. Depending on the properties and purpose, they distinguish heat-insulating, sound-absorbing, filtering and foam glass for technical purposes. It is used for insulation of walls and ceilings of residential, public and industrial buildings, acoustic improvement of buildings, filtration of liquids and gases, thermal and electrical insulation of devices and apparatuses.


Periodic operation to transfer the direction of the torch in a regenerative furnace


Burner section between the gas vertical duct and the furnace wall

Overflow duct

Bars forming the top of the duct passage

Overflow bar

A bar at the end of the canal leading to the rolling machine in the production of flat glass

Pole Mixing (Poling)

Method of mixing and clarifying glass melt in a pot with a wooden pole, which emits gases at a high temperature of glass melt

Take-down period

1. The period between the opening of the covered pot and the glass melt reaching the working temperature.

2. The period between the clarification stage and the removal of glass from the furnace.

3. The cooling period of the furnace before repair.

Pen marks (Hackle marks)

The temperature range in which glass is molded into the product through some process. In the upper part of the working interval, the glass is ready for production (usually with a viscosity of 1000 to 10,000 poise), and in the lower part it is viscous enough to fix the desired shape (usually with a viscosity of more than 1,000,000 poise). For comparison, without communication with a specific process, the production interval of the glass corresponds to a viscosity range from 10,000 to 1,000,000 to 10,000,000 poise


produced by spraying sand at high speeds on a glass surface.

Sand Bed (Breezing)

Untreated sand or anthracite with a similar grain size, poured on the bottom of the furnace before installing the pots in the pot furnace

The furnace for heating (glass)

A small oven heated by gas or liquid fuel to heat products during manual production

Pot Stove Oven

A conditioning furnace used to bring glass in open pots to a uniform temperature before casting

Annealing furnace

a device designed to remove (reduce) the internal residual stresses arising due to the temperature difference between the inner and outer layers of the product. For annealing glass containers, continuous conveyor tunnel furnaces with convective heat transfer are used.

Horseshoe oven

A furnace in which burners are located in the end wall of the hob and torches are directed along the glass flow

Transverse furnace

Bathroom furnace, in which pairs of burners are located along the hob so that torches are directed across the furnace at right angles to the glass flow


Naturally colored chemical compound of an oxide or metal salt used to color glass


a device for automatically feeding glass forming machines with glass droplets of a given shape, temperature and mass. It is a heated channel lined with refractory material. At one end it adjoins the bathroom of a glass melting furnace, the other end ends with a bowl with a hole and a point in the bottom. Depending on the manufacturing technology of glass products, feeders can form single drops, portions or form a continuous stream of molten glass. On this basis, they are divided into drip, portion or jet. In the manufacture of glass containers, drip feeders are used.

Feeder plunger

Refractory plunger moving reciprocating over the feeder point

Surface bubble

A thin, often elongated bubble, on or near the surface of the glass

Diving (Plugging)

Method of mixing and clarifying glass melt in a pot with a wooden pole, which emits gases at a high temperature of glass melt

Suspension arch (arch)

A two-walled bridge, completely independent of other bath designs, built in modern continuous furnaces to separate the cooking section and the clarification zone from the extraction section

Hanging screen

A wall with or without openings mounted on a bridge to shield the working part from excessive heat radiation. It can also be a wall suspended above a bridge.

Hearth plate

The place in the pot oven where the pots are placed


Lack of perpendicularity between the cut edge and the surface of the glass sheet

Polished plate

Transparent glass, both surfaces of which are ground and polished to give them flatness and parallelism, in order to ensure a clear undistorted image when viewed through it or when reflected.

Full sintering

Sintering of glass, in which the upper elements of the product completely dissolve in the lower

Half pot

Pot for cooking small amounts of glass in an oven containing pots other than normal


Floating refractory body that holds foam and inclusions floating on the surface of the glass, or regulates their movement in a pot or bath furnace


A beam in the side wall of the furnace, equipped with a channel through which the glass leaves the working part

Defects (defects) of glass

local violations of the physical and chemical homogeneity of glass, as well as foreign inclusions. Glass defects are divided into three groups:

- solid inclusions (stones and crystals);

- vitreous inclusions (stitches and schlieres);

- gaseous inclusions (blisters and midges).

The village

Small crack normal to the glass surface


Clamp marks

Glass frayed

a defect in a glass product representing surface scratches resulting from contact with solid materials and / or with each other.

Flow process

1. A method of manufacturing flat glass, in which the glass continuously flows from the bath furnace through the tray, and then between the forming shafts and annealed in the form of a continuous tape.

2. See: drip (feeder) food. See also: Drip food.

Press-and-blow process

A method of manufacturing glass products, in which the preform is molded by pressing, and the final shape of the product is then achieved by blowing


Molding products by applying pressure between the mold and the plunger

Priva-Light laminated glass

Priva-Light laminated glass in which one Taliq film is located between two sheets of heat-treated glass. As with any laminated glass, this film is connected to the glass via two PVB interlayers. This glass is mainly intended for use in interiors, but can also be used in exterior glazing. It is undesirable to use in places with high humidity.

Glass cling

a defect in the violation of the outer surface in the form of adherent pieces of glass, chips in the areas where glass products come into contact with each other at an elevated heat treatment temperature.

Stuck glass

glass defect in the form of glass particles adhering to the surface.

Marking sintering

Sintering of glass, in which the elements of the product are sintered among themselves without changing or slightly changing their shape and relative position


Thin steel rod immersed in molten glass to determine glass condition

Rolled glass

Sheet glass made from glass melt by continuous rolling between two rolls or by periodic rolling on a table with a single roll.

Rolling glass

Sheet glass made of glass melt by continuous rolling between two rolls or by periodic rolling on a table with one roll

Clear glass

float glass with a specially designed coating that reflects a very small percentage of light. It gives maximum transparency and image clarity, providing optimal visibility through the glass at any time.


Arched design for heated refractories

Anti-flood glass

Special glass mounted in the optical rangefinder and in the sighting devices for observing the target against spotlights or against the sun

Copper etch (red etching, red etch)

The process (the result of the process) of the diffusion of copper ions into the surface layer of glass from a glaze suspension based on copper salts

Silver etch (yellow etching, silver yellow)

The process (the result of the process) of the diffusion of silver ions into the surface layer of glass from a glaze suspension based on silver salts

Black etch (noble art mobile)

Intermediate form of copper mordant; used as an independent way to decorate the glass surface

Bicheroux process

The periodic process of manufacturing polished glass, in which glass from a pot is cast between the rollers on a moving roller conveyor or on a flat movable table

The process of pulling down (Down-drow process)

Method for continuously pulling a glass pipe down from a point

The Westlake Process

Automatic process using a vacuum kit for the manufacture of products in molds with constant lubrication


Mechanical impact on softened glass with a hand tool

Direct duct

The duct is at the same level as the bottom of the hob


The cavity in the glass filled with gas

Bullet (jar)

the "germ" of future glassware obtained by molding in draft form at the first molding stage.

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