
Deviation from the straight along the length of the glass pipe

Insulating glass

This is a combination of several glasses, consisting of two or more window panels, between which air is tightly enclosed. The most important function of insulating glass is to reduce heat loss, which offers many advantages: lower power consumption, excellent transparency due to reduced condensation settling on the side of warm air and the possibility of using large glazed areas without increasing energy consumption.

Foreign inclusion (in glass)

a glass defect representing a solid, opaque inclusion that differs from glass by physicochemical properties.

refractory stone - foreign inclusion in the glass in the form of particles of refractory products.

charge stone - foreign inclusion in the glass from unverified components of the charge.

black dot - foreign inclusion in the glass of scale, insoluble chromium compounds.

crystallization stone is a foreign inclusion having a crystalline structure as a result of crystallization of glass mass.

vitreous inclusion is a glass defect representing an inclusion having a glassy structure characterized by physicochemical properties.

twill - vitreous inclusion in the form of threads of arbitrary shape, knots, bundles.

schliere - a vitreous inclusion in the form of a drop.

Annealing Interval

The temperature range in which glass can be annealed. At higher temperatures, internal stresses disappear quickly without deformation of the glass. At lower temperatures, internal stresses disappear slowly. Below the annealing interval, a rapid change in temperature does not cause constant stresses in the glass. The temperature at which the glass has a viscosity of 10,000,000,000,000 poise (“temperature 13.0”) is sometimes called the annealing temperature, or the upper annealing temperature.

Interferon paint

Ceramic paint capable of changing color depending on the angle of view

Glass container irisation

a glass container defect representing an optical phenomenon consisting in the appearance of an iridescent play of colors caused by the interference of light rays.

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