Vladivostok residents chose the replacement of windows in schools in the vote on the "People's Budget"

Vladivostok residents chose the replacement of windows in schools in the vote on the

In Vladivostok, the results of the poll on the "People's Budget", which was held on the same days as the vote on the amendment to the Constitution, were summed up. According to the results of the calculation of the questionnaires, the project “Save the warmth for children” won, which will spend 173 million rubles.

Citizens were offered to choose one project out of three: “Keep warm for children” (replacing windows), “Squares to the city and townspeople” (repair of squares) and “Bright City” (street lighting).

56,224 people took part in the survey, 53,457 valid questionnaires (2,767 invalid). For the replacement of school windows supported 29 724 people. 20 092 - for the squares, 3641 - for the backlight.

For the implementation of the winning project this year, 173 million rubles will be allocated from the regional budget. This money is going to replace 4659 wooden windows in 48 schools of Vladivostok.

Source: https://www.newsvl.ru/

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