In the Tver region took measures to stabilize the economy in the epidemiological situation

In the Tver region took measures to stabilize the economy in the epidemiological situation

On April 1, at a meeting to ensure the sustainable development of the economy of the Tver region, measures were taken to support small and medium-sized businesses in the epidemiological situation.

The Ministry of Economic Development of the Tver region has prepared a list of backbone enterprises in the region that require support in the first place. It was proposed to include production from the fields of agriculture, pulp and paper industry and woodworking, tourism, food industry, metalworking and mechanical engineering, chemical and light, medical and glass industries, building materials, printing.

The meeting also discussed the possibility of promoting the baking industry, auto services organizations and the construction sector.

Today, within the framework of the adopted package of measures, 1.8 billion rubles will be allocated from the regional treasury to support the economy of the Tver region. It also provides for the establishment of a fund for the financial recovery of enterprises and the capitalization of the Fund for the Promotion of Lending to Small and Medium Enterprises for the issuance of loans. We also provided guarantees for preferential lending programs with a rate of 0.5%.

Small businesses using state and municipal property will be granted a 6-month deferral of payment of rental payments, with the subsequent possibility of receiving installments up to 5 years. A special place was given to the issue of lowering tax rates in 2020 when applying simplification for individual entrepreneurs and organizations who were at risk.

A moratorium on inspections by the controlling authorities of entrepreneurs is also introduced and penalties are minimized.


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