The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation considered the issues of staffing in the domestic industry

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation considered the issues of staffing in the domestic industry

On February 9, 2022, a meeting of the Council of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Industrial Development and Competitiveness of the Russian Economy was held at the Congress Center of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation on the topic: “Personnel for industry. Preparing for the New Industrialization. Problems, solutions.

The Association "StekloSouz" of Russia, which is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, took an active part in the work of the meeting. Osipov Viktor Ivanovich, President of StekloSouz Russia, outlined the issues of shortage of qualified personnel in the glass industry - a significant part of the industrial sector.

The event was moderated by the Chairman of the Council, President of the Rosspetsmash Association Konstantin Babkin.

The meeting was held in a mixed format with the participation of over 100 representatives of state authorities, business, scientific and expert communities.

In his speech, Dmitry Kurochkin, Vice-President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, focused the attention of the participants on the importance of the issues of the personnel policy of the state and the existing shortage of human resources, primarily in the industrial sector. He informed about the activities of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation in this direction, dwelling in detail on the existing expert capabilities of the Chamber to promote the development of professional qualifications, methodological support for vocational education standards, analysis and independent examination of legislative and other regulatory legal acts and their projects affecting the qualifications assessment system and a system of professional standards, experience of participating in federal and international events in the field of professional excellence.

Speaking about the current systemic interaction of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation with organizations of higher education, leading technical universities of Russia at the federal and regional levels, Dmitry Kurochkin recalled that one of the new cooperation agreements was signed in November 2021 between the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and the Don State Technical University (DSTU). The agreement provides for a number of areas of cooperation, including the development of human resources in the field of agricultural engineering.

At the end of his speech, the Vice-President of the Chamber, on behalf of the President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Sergey Katyrin, presented letters of thanks from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation for his great personal contribution to the preparation and implementation of investment projects together with the Industrial Development Fund and regional IDF in 2021 to the Chairman of the Council of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Financial, Industrial and investment policy Vladimir Gamza and Chairman of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Committee on Entrepreneurship in the Textile and Light Industry, President of the Russian Union of Textile and Light Industry Entrepreneurs Andrey Razbrodin.

The speech of the Chairman of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Council on Industrial Development and Competitiveness of the Russian Economy Konstantin Babkin was devoted to the analysis of the personnel policy of the state, the main problem of personnel shortage in the domestic industry and the proposals of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Council on Industrial Development and Competitiveness of the Russian Economy formulated in the draft decision following the meeting.

The topic of the quality of practical training for graduates of colleges, technical schools, vocational technical schools and universities in technical specialties demanded by industrial enterprises was continued by representatives of the Don State Technical University - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Vladimir Kolodkin and Vice-Rector for Advanced Programs and Sustainable Development Innessa Efremenko.

Representatives of Russian manufacturing companies – Andrey Radionov, HR Director of Rostselmash Group of Companies, Svetlana Danilina, General Director of TAURAS-PHOENIX JSC, Arseniy Brykin, Director of Scientific and Technical Development of JSC Central Research Institute Elektronika, spoke with information about the real problems of staffing in the domestic industry.

Sergey Negodyaev, director of the Physico-School of Aerospace Technologies of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Igor Boriskin, director of the Transbaikal Agrarian Institute-branch of the A.A. Yezhevsky Irkutsk State Agrarian University, spoke about the existing practice and new forms of training specialists for high-tech industries head of the innovative analytical center of the Cherkizovo Group Rustam Khafizov.

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Institute of Demography, Migration and Regional Development (member of the Board) Yuri Krupnov and Chairman of the Russian Chamber of Commerce Committee on Entrepreneurship in the Textile and Light Industry, President of the Russian Union of Textile and Light Industry Entrepreneurs Andrey Razbrodin shared their opinions on the agenda of the meeting.

During the expert discussion, the participants discussed the proposed draft decision on the results of the Council meeting and expressed their comments and additions for subsequent consideration in the final document.

Summing up the meeting, Konstantin Babkin emphasized the importance of the issues on the agenda of the meeting, the importance of the participation of the expert community in their further discussion and support. The proposals submitted by the participants will be accepted for further elaboration in the Council and promotion in public authorities.

On the same day, a joint meeting of the Working Group on the Development of Industrial Cooperation and Industrial Engineering of the Council of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Industrial Development and Competitiveness of the Russian Economy, the Intersectoral Coordination Group and the National Partnership for the Development of Subcontracting was held with the participation of Vice President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Dmitry Kurochkin.

The Chairman of the Working Group, Head of the Department of Investments and Innovations of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Rostov Region Valery Korolev focused on the relevance of the issues brought up for discussion regarding the activities of sectoral business associations and self-regulatory organizations in industry, as well as the development of areas of cooperation in the field of engineering and industrial design with the participation of commercial and industrial chambers. Olga Sereda, General Director of the Foundation for the Development of Innovative Entrepreneurship of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, made an expert commentary on the agenda of the meeting of the Working Group.


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