12 thousand jobs can be created in Bashkiria through the implementation of investment projects

12 thousand jobs can be created in Bashkiria through the implementation of investment projects

At a meeting of the Presidium of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, which was held by First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republican Government Andrei Nazarov, promising investment projects in industry were considered. This was reported by the press service of the government.

At the meeting of the Presidium, it was noted that every third priority investment project relates to industrial production. Now 55 projects are being implemented. The successful implementation of these projects totaling more than 405.4 billion rubles, involves the creation of about 12 thousand new jobs.

In the mining industry, the Uchalinsky GOK is implementing a project worth 22.7 billion rubles. In the petrochemical and oil refining sectors of the republic, large-scale investment projects are being implemented totaling over 55.5 billion. rubles and the creation of 240 jobs. In engineering, the project portfolio is 22.1 billion rubles. Also, projects are being implemented in the pharmaceutical and glass industries, light industry and timber industry with a volume of at least 14 billion rubles and the creation of at least 900 jobs.

Bashkiria became one of the first regions of Russia where a solar power station (SES) appeared, with the release of energy and power to the wholesale market. The volume of attracted investments amounted to 27.6 billion rubles, 200 jobs were created.

One of the tools for the formation of "growth points" of production are preferential zones: industrial parks and special zones. Currently, 10 industrial parks are registered in the republic: Ufimsky Industrial Center, Prikamye, GlavBashStroy, Veles, Agidel, Center for Agrotechnologies, Nizhny Novgorod, BelKam, Prompark S11 . More than 4,000 jobs have been created in existing industrial parks, 68 residents are carrying out activities, the total investment of which is more than 44 billion rubles.

On May 27, 2020, the creation of the Alga SEZ was approved. Currently, agreements have been signed with 9 residents who plan to implement investment projects in the territory proposed for the creation of the SEZ “Alga” for a total amount of 26.1 billion rubles, which will create 2,300 new jobs.

Source: https://resbash.ru/

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