Turkmen chemists hold a teleconference with Japanese developers

Turkmen chemists hold a teleconference with Japanese developers

A digital video communication teleconference was held at the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan with scientists and specialists of the Japanese company, Tokyo Boeki, a manufacturer of high-tech scientific equipment.

Japanese researcher Keji Taktgawa and company specialist Vitaly Tinkov talked about the latest laboratory equipment, the advantages of the latest models of electric microscopes, chromatographs.

One of the key topics of discussion was the use of an apparatus with nuclear magnetic resonance for determining the physical and chemical properties, composition of liquid hydrocarbons (oil, fuel oil, resins). This device allows you to accurately determine the chemical structure of the studied substance. According to representatives of the Institute, in the future it is planned to open a regional center in Turkmenistan to train specialists from other countries on the application of this technology.

The Institute of Chemistry also uses Tokyo Boeki electron microscopes, which not only allow you to scale the image, but also take photos and videos.

- Using this electron microscope, we can conduct elemental analysis of a substance, calculate its nanomolecules. For example, cement or powder paint. When mixing them with other substances, it is important not to exceed the permissible norm, otherwise the surface will not be smooth, ”said Agamergen Nurmukhammedov, a researcher at the Institute.

When using quartz sand in the glass industry, the content of iron oxide should be in a minimum amount. For this, we need an elemental analysis of the substance, carried out using an electroniciscope.

Source: https://orient.tm/

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