Builders praised Mishustin’s economic recovery plan

Builders praised Mishustin’s economic recovery plan

On June 2, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin presented to President Vladimir Putin a national plan to rebuild an economy that was shaken as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

A whole complex of measures is called upon to support the construction industry. In particular, the document contains clauses related to legislation on the contract system, urban development of territories, design, examination and construction. The government has not forgotten about industry problems such as connecting to networks and transferring utilities. A special place in the project is given to the digital transformation of the construction industry.

The key points of the government plan for the sake of the House portal PRO discussed with representatives of the construction market.

Digital transformation

This is not the first time we are talking about the digital transformation of the construction industry. A year ago, this section was included in the draft Strategy for the development of the construction industry until 2030. This, in particular, is about the integration into a single digital environment of the EISHS, USRZ and GISOGD systems. And industry players view this initiative in a positive way.

Now developers are often faced with the fact that various information (technical, urban planning, legal, architectural) is scattered. It is located on different sites, often with an outdated interface. At the same time, during the preparation of the project, developers not only receive data, but also send information about their projects to the relevant registers. For example, in the Unified Housing Information System.

“This complicates and slows down the work, especially at the stage of project preparation. Creation of a kind of a single information window is required. Such a measure will help accelerate the development of project documentation, ”says Maria Litinetskaya, managing partner of Metrium.

A single digital environment will make construction information more transparent, agrees PIK Group Vice President Yuri Ilyin. In his opinion, the measures announced in the plan will ensure more effective interaction between developers, interest holders and regulatory bodies.

Ksenia Yuryeva, Commercial Director of the Rodina Group, in turn, urged lawmakers to make Rosreestr publicly available, which will help developers adequately evaluate sites for future development, and financial institutions should not be mistaken when evaluating financial models with project financing. “The information available in the databases is not personified, so personal data will not leak,” Yuryeva said.

Six months on BIM technology

A rather controversial point in the government’s plan was the measure to introduce BIM-technologies by December 2020. Despite all the advantages of information modeling, today far from everyone is ready for a forced transition to a "digital".

“Information modeling technologies are used at different stages of project implementation and allow faster examination, avoid construction mistakes, coordinate activities in all departments of the company, etc. However, the implementation of BIM is not an easy and lengthy process, therefore, I believe, longer timelines for the implementation of this initiative, ”says Ksenia Yuryeva.

The difficulties are caused not so much by the installation of certain software as by the search for appropriate specialists who know how to work with it: there are few such people on the labor market, so personnel training is required.

However, those developers who have already switched to BIM, received considerable competitive advantages. In particular, PIK Group, with the help of digital technologies and accounting systems, was able to increase labor productivity at construction sites by 49%, and at production facilities - by 45%.

The problem, however, is that small companies, which are already in a difficult situation, are unlikely to have enough resources to implement BIM independently. They may need incentive measures.


Another measure proposed by the government to modernize the construction industry is the optimization of regulatory and technical regulation, which is quite justified, because most of the current Construction Norms and Regulations are outdated and do not take into account the latest technologies.

At the same time, any change in the regulation requires a detailed consideration, since the simplification of some standards can affect the quality of construction.

“Now building and technical standards are not only a guide for builders. The SNiP is referred, in particular, to the Civil Code, which determines the measure of responsibility of the contractor for the inadequate quality of construction, correlating it with the requirement of technical regulations. If most of the standards will be advisory in nature, this will inevitably lead to deterioration in the quality of construction, disputes between developers and contractors, customer complaints, ”said Maria Litinetskaya.

To prevent this from happening, a discussion of changing SNiP, the scope and regime of their action should be the subject of public dialogue with the involvement of various participants in the construction, including consumers.

What is missing in terms of Mishustin

Of course, while the final version of the document has not been made public, it is impossible to give an unambiguous assessment. But some points are already raising many questions among industry representatives. For example, it is not clear how self-employed citizens are supposed to be involved in the construction and whether the costs of roads and social infrastructure will be subsidized in residential projects.

According to experts, the anti-crisis plan did not reflect the problems that have long faced construction: the complexity and cost of connecting to communications, the actual obligation to build social facilities at the request of the authorities, the shortage (largely artificial) of land, lack of support for the innovation process in construction and etc.

“The main problem in the crisis is financing,” Litinetskaya explains. - From this point of view, we only have a program for subsidizing loans to developers, which is certainly very useful. However, the severity of the current crisis is, inter alia, related to the fact that it is the market and mass demand that have suffered the most, which means developers need a state order and participation in the implementation of housing programs with state funding. ”


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